The Entertainer’s Advantage: Winning The Social Media Battle For Attention

Each spring, I teach a four-part social media series for business owners through the SBDC I also consult at. Almost every time, a similar question is asked when we begin to discuss what kind of content to produce: “Does content need to be entertaining to get the scroll stopped?”

Before I share my perspective on this, let's consider a thought-provoking question: What underlying motivations lead someone to open their favorite social media app and begin to scroll?

  1. Connection and Belonging: Humans crave connection and a sense of belonging at our core. Social media provides a virtual space where we can interact with others, share our thoughts and experiences, and feel part of a community. Whether reconnecting with old friends, joining interest-based groups, or simply feeling heard and validated by others, social media fulfills our innate need for social connection.

  2. Self-Expression and Identity: Social media platforms offer a canvas for self-expression and identity exploration. We carefully curate our profiles, share glimpses of our lives, and express our opinions and beliefs. This ability to craft our online personas and present ourselves to the world in a specific way can be empowering and addictive.

  3. Information and Entertainment: Social media is a vast repository of information and entertainment. From breaking news and viral trends to memes and funny videos, these platforms provide constant content that keeps us engaged and informed. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on the latest updates or viral sensations can be a powerful motivator to stay connected.

  4. Validation and Approval: Social media has become a source of validation and approval in the digital age. We measure our self-worth by the number of likes, comments, and followers we accumulate. The dopamine hit we experience when our content receives positive engagement can be highly addictive, driving us to seek more and more validation from our online peers.

  5. Distraction: Some people use social media to avoid or escape negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, loneliness, etc. Immersing themselves in the online world provides a temporary distraction from confronting difficult internal feelings.

Understanding why people tap into their social media app of choice is the first hurdle in creating content that will get your community to pay attention to what you are putting out there.

User Attention Is A Precious Commodity

Mastering the art of creating attention-grabbing posts is crucial for any brand or individual looking to stand out, and where the question “Does all content need to be entertaining?” is a YES.

Scroll back up and re-read numbers 1, 3, and 5. Social media is a form of escapism for the user, who logs on to be entertained and distracted from dealing with whatever is happening in their real life. This could be waiting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, in the pickup line at their child's school, or dealing with some emotional news they just received.

Here are some practical tips to help you craft content that stops the scroll and commands audience engagement:

  1. Know Your Audience: Before embarking on any content creation journey, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience. What are their interests, pain points, and preferences? Tailoring your content to resonate with your audience will significantly increase its effectiveness.

  2. Use Visuals Wisely: Visual content is more likely to capture attention than plain text. Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, and infographics to make your posts visually appealing and engaging. Ensure that your visuals are high-quality and relevant to your message.

  3. Spark Emotions: Emotions have a powerful impact on human behavior. To connect with your audience on a deeper level, try content that evokes emotions such as joy, surprise, humor, or inspiration. Emotional posts are more likely to be shared and resonate with users- an example of this is dog videos.

  4. Ask Questions and Encourage Interaction: Encourage audience interaction by asking questions in your posts. People love to share their opinions and experiences, so prompting them to engage with your content through comments, likes, or shares can boost your post's visibility and reach.

  5. Keep It Concise and Scannable: We are dealing with a 3.5-second attention span, and users have short attention spans. Keep your posts concise, clear, and scannable to make it easy for users to consume your content quickly. Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to make your posts visually appealing and easy to read.

  6. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining audience engagement on social media. Develop a content calendar and schedule posts regularly to keep your audience interested and coming back for more. Experiment with different content formats and track the performance of your posts to refine your strategy over time.

You can effectively command their attention amidst the endless scroll by prioritizing entertaining and emotionally resonant content tailored to your specific audience's preferences. Remember, social media is often an escape or a source of connection for users, so crafting content that fulfills those core desires is key.

Continuously experiment and analyze what resonates most with your community. Embrace visuals, spark emotions, encourage interactions, and maintain consistency. Success on social media requires a delicate balance of strategic planning and an innate understanding of what truly captivates your audience.

Ultimately, the ability to stop the scroll lies in your capacity to create content that entertains, informs, and resonates on a profound level. Master this art; you'll unlock a powerful connection with your audience, fortifying your brand's online presence and driving meaningful engagement. In the realm of social media, the scroll never stops, but with the right approach, you can become the highlight they pause for.

Let's chat if you need help on how exactly your business can achieve entertaining online.

Location, Location, Location: Why It's So Important For Physical Businesses To Geotag Instagram Posts

Here’s a secret you may or may not know about me: when I’m traveling or about to travel, I search the location of where I’m going on Instagram to see what’s out there. I scroll to see what shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and natural things are attached to the Geo/Location tag of where I am going.

And I notice that what so many businesses forget to do is add a geotag to their posts. This means that they are missing out on the out-of-towners like me who do this same thing to plan where they want to go or where they want to eat.

Instagram geotags are digital markers that offer endless possibilities, from exploring new destinations to optimizing your road trip adventures. Read on for a journey into the world of geotagging and start shaping your next unforgettable adventure.

What are Instagram Geo Tags and How They Work

Instagram Geo Tags are a powerful feature that allows users to add a specific location to their posts, providing a geotag for each photo or video shared on the platform. This function enables users to tag the exact place where the content was created, adding an exciting layer of location-based information to their posts.

Understanding Instagram Geo Tags

  1. Location Tagging: Instagram Geo Tags associate your post with a specific place on the map. This can range from a famous landmark to a local restaurant or even a hidden gem off the beaten path.

  2. Creating Connections: By tagging your posts with Geo Tags, you can connect with other users who have been to or are interested in the location. This can lead to new friendships, travel recommendations, and shared experiences.

  3. Discovery Tool: Geo Tags also serve as a discovery tool for users exploring new places. By searching for a specific location tag, users can uncover many posts related to that place, offering insights, inspiration, and practical tips for their journeys.

  4. Personalization: Instagram Geo Tags add a personal touch to your posts, allowing you to share the content and the exact place where you captured the moment. This creates a more immersive experience for your followers, connecting them to your adventures.

How Geo Tags Work

  1. Feature Integration: Instagram seamlessly integrates Geo Tags into the post-creation process, allowing users to add a location directly before sharing their content.

  2. Manual Input: Users can manually type in the location they wish to tag or choose from a list of suggested places generated by the platform based on their current location or past tagging history.

  3. Privacy Control: Instagram offers privacy settings that allow users to control who can see the location tags on their posts, ensuring that sensitive or private locations remain secure.

  4. Mapping Feature: Geo Tags have a mapping feature that displays the tagged location on a map within the post, giving viewers a visual reference of the content's creation.

Advantages of Using Geo Tags

  • Enhanced Discoverability: Geotags increase the visibility of your posts to users searching for content related to specific locations, expanding your reach and engagement.

  • Personalized Recommendations: By exploring posts tagged with specific locations, users can discover new destinations, restaurants, attractions, and accommodations recommended by fellow travelers.

  • Community Engagement: Geo Tags foster a sense of community among users who share a love for travel and exploration, enabling them to connect, share tips, and form valuable connections.

By searching for location-based tagging related to their intended destinations, individuals can explore new places, gather travel inspiration, and create a comprehensive travel itinerary. Whether finding hidden gems, trending spots, or off-the-beaten-path attractions, geotags provide valuable insights into various travel destinations.

One of the key advantages of incorporating Instagram geotags into trip planning is the ability to maximize road trip stops. Using geotags, travelers can identify scenic viewpoints, local eateries, cultural landmarks, and photo-worthy spots along their routes. This enriches the travel experience and ensures every step contributes to a memorable and fulfilling journey.

Why Your Business Needs To Begin Geotagging

  1. Enhancing Local Visibility

Establishing a strong local presence is often crucial for small businesses to attract customers. Geotags allow you to tag your location when posting on Instagram, making it easier for users in your area to discover your content. When users search for posts or stories tagged in a specific location, yours could be among the top results, thus increasing your visibility within your community.

2. Building Community Engagement

Geotags are more than just a feature; they're a direct line to your local community. By tagging your location, you can tap into conversations and events in your area, fostering relationships with nearby businesses and potential customers. This direct connection with your community increases engagement. It builds brand loyalty, as users who frequent or are interested in your locality are likelier to engage with your content, leading to increased likes, comments, and, ultimately, brand loyalty.

3. Showcasing Authenticity and Trustworthiness

Standing out with authenticity is paramount in a market saturated with advertisements and sponsored content. Geotags provide a unique advantage by adding credibility to your posts by verifying your physical presence in a specific location. This authenticity resonates with consumers, as they perceive businesses with a genuine local presence as trustworthy and reliable. By showcasing your physical location through geotags, you're not just promoting your products or services but also telling a story about your roots and commitment to your community.

4. Targeting Relevant Audiences

Geotags offer a powerful targeting tool, allowing you to reach audiences based on their location. Whether you're hosting an event, running a promotion, or want to attract foot traffic to your storefront, geotagging enables you to target users within a specific radius of your business. This targeted approach ensures that your content reaches the most relevant audience, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts and driving conversions.

5. Improving SEO and Discoverability

In addition to enhancing visibility within the Instagram platform, geotags can benefit your overall online presence. When users search for local businesses or attractions on search engines like Google, geotagged Instagram posts may appear in the results, thus improving your SEO ranking and increasing discoverability. By consistently geotagging your posts, you can boost your chances of being found by potential customers on and off the Instagram platform.

Geotags on Instagram offer many benefits for small businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with their local community and travelers looking for unique experiences while visiting a location.

From enhancing visibility and authenticity to targeting relevant audiences and improving SEO, geotagging is a valuable tool that should not be overlooked in your social media marketing strategy. By harnessing the power of geotags, small businesses can amplify their presence, foster meaningful connections, and ultimately drive growth in their local market.

So, next time you post on Instagram, remember to geotag your business's location and watch your business thrive in the digital landscape.

Unraveling A Social Media & PR Debacle: A Wake-Up Call for Every Business's Crisis Communication Plan

Has anyone else been following the social media and PR debacle that has been going on over in the UK? 

Podcasters have been commenting on it, Reels were being made, Gossip was being strewn while real humans are being impacted.

 This whole thing has sparked my interest in asking you if you have a crisis communication plan in place for your business.


I can hear your thoughts:" I don't need that. I'm not big enough to need a crisis communication plan."


I beg to differ.


These days, one misstep, one word taken out of context, can cause a snowball escalating from a minor blunder to a full-blown Public Relations crisis within moments.


I hate that this is how the world is, but we all know it's true. 


Social media has fundamentally transformed the landscape of public relations and crisis communication. Because social is a double-edged sword- yes, it offers unprecedented opportunities for brand exposure and engagement, but it also poses significant risks if not managed effectively. In the wake of the UK "scandal", social media played a crucial role in amplifying the public outcry and shaping the issue's false narrative.


And now, many of those who jumped on the trend are backpedaling, pulling content, and issuing apologies. 


While a real human family is left to deal with the emotional and mental fallout that ensues from the pursuit of likes and followers from the content of those reels and podcasts. 


I feel like we are all a little too quick to forget these days that it's actual human beings behind 95% of the accounts on social media. 


And with that in mind, here are a few of my crisis management tips, should you ever need them:


Essential Crisis Communication Strategies:

  1. Swift Response: Timeliness is critical when addressing a crisis. An immediate response demonstrates a commitment to transparency and shows that the situation is being taken seriously. In the case of the UK "scandal," delays in addressing the issue only fueled speculation and worsened the public perception.

  2. Open and Honest Communication: Transparency is essential in building trust with the public. Organizations should communicate openly about the situation, providing accurate information and addressing concerns head-on. Avoiding or hiding details can lead to further distrust and backlash.

  3. Tailored Messaging: Understanding the target audience and tailoring messages to resonate with them is crucial. Communication should be empathetic, authentic, and focused on addressing the stakeholders' concerns and needs. Personalized responses can help humanize the brand and show a genuine commitment to resolving the crisis.

  4. Multi-channel Approach: Leveraging various communication channels is vital in reaching a broad audience and managing the narrative. Social media, press releases, interviews, and other platforms can help disseminate key messages and control the conversation surrounding the crisis.

  5. Empower Spokespersons: Designating credible and articulate spokespeople to represent the organization can enhance communication effectiveness. These spokespeople should be trained to handle media inquiries, convey key messages, and project a sense of authority and competence during interviews and press conferences.

  6. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Crisis communication is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and evaluation. Assessing the effectiveness of communication strategies, gathering stakeholder feedback, and making necessary adjustments are essential in navigating the crisis and steering the narrative in the right direction.


A social media presence these days is so much more than just posting pretty pictures. 

The Unexpected Similarities Between Dating and Digital Marketing

You ever noticed how dating and digital marketing share some uncanny similarities? It's like they're distant cousins from different worlds! But when you dig a little deeper, you'll find they're not so different after all. Let's break it down and see what lessons we can learn from both fields.

  1. Get to Know Your Crowd:

    Knowing your audience is key whether you're swiping right or crafting social media ads. Just like marketers study their target market, dating is all about understanding what makes your potential partner tick. What are their interests? What gets them excited? The better you know them, the better your chances.

  2. Spruce Up Your Story:

    Storytelling isn't just for fairy tales—it's crucial in dating and marketing, too. Whether you're chatting up a hottie or writing a killer blog post, a compelling narrative can work wonders. It can show off your personality, share your passions, and make people want to stick around for more.

  3. Build Trust Like a Boss:

    Trust is the glue that holds relationships together, whether romantic or business-related. Just like you look for honesty and reliability in a partner, consumers want brands they can trust. Be authentic, deliver on your promises, and watch that trust grow.

  4. Navigate the Online Jungle:

    In today's digital age, dating and marketing have both gone online. From dating apps to social media platforms, the game has changed. But hey, it's not so scary once you get the hang of it. Stay savvy, keep up with the trends, and make the most of those digital tools at your disposal.

  5. Master the Art of Engagement:

    Want to keep someone interested? Engagement is key, whether it's a potential date or a potential customer. Ask questions, listen actively, and show you're genuinely interested. In both dating and marketing, it's all about building that connection.

  6. Data Is Your BFF:

    Just like marketers crunch numbers to track campaign performance, you can also use data to up your dating game. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't. Learn from your experiences, tweak your approach, and watch your success rate soar.

  7. Learn from Feedback and Keep Improving:

    Whether you're trying to land a date or land a sale, it's all about continuous improvement. Take feedback in your stride, learn from your mistakes, and keep evolving. After all, the best relationships—and marketing strategies—are the ones that grow and adapt over time.

Dating and digital marketing may seem worlds apart, but they're more alike than you think. By borrowing some tricks from the marketing playbook, you can up your dating game and vice versa. So go ahead, put yourself out there, experiment, and see what works for you. After all, whether you're wooing a date or wooing customers, the object of the game is connection.

Are Hashtags Still Relevant? A Social Media Manager's Perspective on Navigating Instagram's Discoverability Landscape

One of the frequently asked questions I get every time the Q&A part of a presentation happens always includes hashtags and their relevancy. The ideal number of hashtags is constantly changing but what I am finding interesting lately is how search words are being implemented more and more into Instagram.

About a month ago, I was posting to clients' feeds and inserting the hashtags, and I got a warning from Instagram that I had reached the hashtag limit, but I had only typed 5 in. It is very interesting to me, which makes me believe more and more that the future of getting discovered and searched involves implementing more search words into your posts.

Adapting to Instagram's Search Revolution:

Instagram's focus on improving search functionality and refining its algorithm has been evident. With features like keyword search and Explore tab enhancements, the platform has taken steps towards offering users a more personalized and expansive content discovery experience.

For years, hashtags have been our go-to strategy for boosting visibility and fostering engagement. They've been instrumental in helping us categorize content, reach broader audiences, and cultivate communities around shared interests.

Finding Harmony Between SEO and Hashtags:

While Instagram SEO represents a paradigm shift in how content is discovered on the platform, it doesn't spell the end of hashtags. Instead, it introduces a new dimension to our approach that complements rather than replaces our tried-and-tested hashtag strategies.

Here's how I'm navigating the intersection of Instagram SEO and hashtags:

  1. Strategic Keyword Integration: I'm embracing Instagram SEO by strategically incorporating relevant keywords into captions, bios, and content descriptions. This helps align our content with user search queries on the explore tab and improve its discoverability.

  2. Harnessing the Power of Hashtags: Hashtags remain integral to our content strategy. I am currently in a test phase; I have not been using hashtags on Maven & Muse Media posts but continue to use them on clients' feeds to target specific communities, amplify reach, and foster engagement. The sweet spot is combining keyword optimization with strategic hashtag usage, which is maximizing content's visibility and appeal.

  3. Content Relevance as a guiding force: Instagram SEO and hashtags prioritize content relevance. I'm focused on delivering content that resonates with the audience's interests and preferences. By staying true to the business's brand voice and consistently delivering value, we increase the chances of appearing in search results and users' feeds.

Striking the Right Balance:

Balance is critical in our journey to navigate Instagram's evolving discoverability landscape. We don't view Instagram SEO and hashtags as competing strategies but rather as complementary tools in our toolkit.

Here are some actionable insights from our experience:

  1. Stay Updated: Keep up to date on Instagram's updates and changes in search functionality to adapt your strategy accordingly. Subscribing to the Maven Movement email is a great way to begin.

  2. Experiment: Testing is one of the things you need to get used to doing when it comes to marketing. Try different keyword combinations and hashtag sets that apply to you, gauge their effectiveness, and refine your approach.

  3. Measure and Adjust: Use Instagram analytics to track the performance of your content, paying attention to engagement metrics, audience demographics, and trends in keyword searches and hashtag usage. If you aren’t, it’s time to become besties with your analytics and check in with them at least weekly.

My goal remains unchanged: to help you authentically connect with your community and drive meaningful engagement. When you embrace both Instagram SEO and hashtags, we're navigating the ever-changing landscape of discoverability and unlocking new opportunities for growth and connection on the platform. If you’ve hit your social media posting limit and want some fresh ideas let’s chat.

Marketing Lessons from 90s Country Songs: Crafting Compelling Campaigns with Heartfelt Storytelling

You start scrolling your way, I start scrolling mine, and we meet in the middle. 

I have a secret: on days when inspiration and words aren't flowing, I turn on a 90s Country playlist.

Why 90's Country, you ask—well, it's because marketing is all about feelings and storytelling.

And no one does feelings, feelings, and storytelling better than 90's country songs.

The future of marketing is getting back to relating to someone's heart. The content that is performing well right now as I write this is uncurated and real.


Because it's relatable and attainable- it speaks to someone's heart and creates a feeling.

Together, let's analyze 90s country songs that can offer insights into various aspects of marketing, including messaging, branding, storytelling, and emotional appeal. Here are some lessons we can learn.

  1. Emotional Connection: 90s country songs often emphasize storytelling and evoke strong emotions. Similarly, effective marketing campaigns should aim to create emotional connections with the audience, whether it's through nostalgia, empathy, or shared values.

  2. Authenticity: Many 90s country songs portray authentic, relatable everyday life experiences. Authenticity in marketing builds trust and credibility with consumers. Brands that convey honesty and sincerity in their messaging are more likely to resonate with their target audience.

  3. Know Your Audience: Country music artists understood their audience well and crafted songs that spoke directly to their experiences and values. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns are tailored to resonate with specific target demographics, understanding their needs, preferences, and cultural context.

  4. Brand Storytelling: Country songs are often rich in storytelling, painting vivid pictures of characters and situations. Effective marketing campaigns use storytelling to engage and captivate audiences, creating memorable brand narratives that consumers can connect with on a deeper level.

  5. Simplicity and Clarity: Many 90s country songs convey their message with simple, straightforward lyrics that are easy to understand. In marketing, clear and concise messaging is key to effectively communicating a product's or service's benefits to consumers.

  6. Universal Themes: Despite focusing on specific themes like love, heartbreak, and small-town life, 90s country songs often address universal human experiences. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns usually tap into universal themes and emotions that resonate across diverse audiences. The great philosopher Alison Krauss says best: "Old Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine."

  7. Consistency: Country music artists often maintained a consistent image and sound throughout their careers, building a loyal fan base over time. Similarly, brands benefit from consistency in their messaging, visual identity, and customer experience, which helps to reinforce brand recognition and loyalty.

  8. Adaptability: While rooted in tradition, country music evolved to stay relevant to changing audience tastes and cultural trends. Similarly, successful marketing strategies must adapt to new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market dynamics to effectively reach and engage target audiences. The times are changing in marketing. Gone are the days of the overly masculine "Buy this, it will change your life," and entering is the softness of the feminine and speaking to the heart. 

If you're feeling stuck, search for a 90s country playlist. Listen to a few songs and pay attention to the themes, stories, and strategies in the songs. Can you see what they are describing in your mind's eye while dancing around your kitchen? Try these valuable insights to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with consumers and drive meaningful connections with their brands. Like a timeless country ballad, the best marketing campaigns can touch hearts and stand the test of time.

And if you're still stuck, it's time for us to meet up. 

Ain't no scroll to a long- cause we meet in the middle. 

Exploring the Parallel Realities of "The Truman Show" and Social Media

I had a thought recently about the 1998 movie The Truman Show and its parallel to the 2010 released Instagram app. I don’t know where these thoughts come from, but sometimes I gotta go with them. 🤗

For some reason, the image of the people in the bar scene watching the Truman Show live reminded me of Instagram's magnifying glass search feature, and how sometimes we can get peeks into random lives of people, we aren't following when they show up on our search feed.

Let’s get into how parallel The Truman Show and Social Media are.

In a world where we are simultaneously straddling reality and virtual reality, it's fascinating to observe how certain aspects of our virtual existence mirror the themes explored in classic cinema. One such fascinating parallel exists between the world of social media and the iconic film, "The Truman Show." Released in 1998 and directed by Peter Weir, "The Truman Show" starred Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, a man unaware that his entire life is a meticulously crafted reality TV show. Surprisingly, this narrative resembles the curated realities often portrayed on social media 26 years later.


In "The Truman Show" and Social Media, the prevalent theme is portraying an idealized reality. Truman's life is meticulously orchestrated to present an idyllic suburban existence, complete with a loving wife, friendly neighbors, and a picturesque town; similarly, on Social Media, like it or not, users meticulously curate their feeds to showcase only the most flattering aspects of their lives - exotic vacations, gourmet meals, and glamorous events. Behind the scenes, however, both Truman and Social Media users may grapple with insecurities, loneliness, or dissatisfaction hidden beneath the veneer of perfection.

The parallels between social media and "The Truman Show" remind us of the complexities inherent in our digitally mediated lives. While both offer glimpses into alternate realities, they also underscore the importance of questioning the narratives we encounter and striving for genuine connection amidst the curated facade.

As we navigate these dual realities, we face the challenge of staying true to ourselves in a world where deception can often overshadow authenticity.

Every upload, story, and comment becomes a part of your digital presence, not only shaping how others perceive you but also how you perceive and love yourself.

Just like Truman, who was unaware of the cameras capturing his every move, social media users often forget the extent of their online visibility. When you post to social YOU are aware that others can see the content you are putting out there. The allure of likes, comments, and followers from a post can create a sense of validation, mirroring Truman's need for approval in his constructed world.

If you made it this far, I want to remind you that your worth as a human or a business is not defined by the number of likes, comments, or followers you have.

Remember that this is a virtual landscape and that your online presence should reflect your offline self. The quest for social validation and cultivating your online identity are journeys filled with twists and turns, challenges and triumphs, much like REAL LIFE.

Much like Truman's quest for truth in a world built on lies, your journey in the digital sphere is a quest for authenticity in a deception-dominated realm.

Consumers and scrollers are screaming for more real and relatable content. The overly branded and curated feed is on its way out; real connection and storytelling are the future of digital marketing.

How are you embracing the future?

If you need help navigating this for your business let’s chat.

From Supermodels to Social Media Stars: A Comparative Look at Influential Icons

I don't know about you, but lately, there has been so much interest in nostalgia, particularly for the 90s. Take one walk or scroll through a big box store fashion department, and it's like we've been transported back to 1997. 

Recently I went to a vintage clothing market held every other Saturday at the mall in my area. (The irony of vintage clothes being sold at a dying mall is not lost on me.) The primary demographic selling and buying were 20-somethings, and the stuff they were buying & selling was clothes from the '90s.

This got me thinking about two things: one, why are people so pulled back to nostalgia, and Two, Were the Supermodels of the 1990s the foundation for the social media influencer marketing culture we currently live in?

And now, you will get to read my thoughts on why this observation makes sense. Enjoy 

In case you weren't around, the 90s marked a golden era for the fashion industry, known for iconic supermodels gracing runways and magazine covers with unparalleled beauty and captivating presence. The supermodel era of the 90s was defined by larger-than-life personalities like Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, and Claudia Schiffer, who became synonymous with glamour, elegance, and style.

These supermodels weren't just faces; they were global sensations, embodying the essence of fashion icon status. Their influence went beyond the catwalk, permeating pop culture and setting trends that captivated audiences worldwide. Their impact on the fashion industry was profound, shaping how people viewed beauty and redefining the standards of grace and sophistication.

In the 90s, supermodels were:

  • The ultimate celebrities.

  • Gracing the covers of prestigious magazines.

  • Walking the runways for renowned designers.

  • Becoming the faces of luxury brands.

Their fame transcended the fashion world, solidifying their positions as cultural icons and role models for generations to come.

The rise of supermodels in the 90s was a phenomenon that revolutionized the way brands approached marketing and advertising. 

These iconic figures were not just models; they were brands themselves. Their association with a product could elevate its status and desirability, creating a sense of aspiration and luxury that consumers craved.

I mean, do you remember the Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial introducing the rebrand that broke the Super Bowl? 

The supermodel era was characterized by exclusivity and mystique, with supermodels maintaining an aura of glamour and unattainability that added to their allure. They were the epitome of style and sophistication, embodying the essence of high fashion and luxury in a way that had never been seen before.

As the fashion industry evolved, so did the role of supermodels. Their influence extended beyond the glossy pages of magazines to the realm of celebrity endorsements and brand collaborations. Supermodels became ambassadors for luxury brands, lending their credibility and star power to marketing campaigns that helped drive sales and elevate brand visibility.

In many ways, the supermodel era of the 90s laid the foundation for the influencer culture we see today. While the platforms and mediums may have changed, the essence of influencer marketing can trace its roots back to the era of supermodels who defined an entire generation with their beauty, style, and grace. Much like the supermodels of the 90s, today's influencers hold the power to shape trends, influence consumer behavior, and drive brand engagement in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and social media.

Influencer Marketing Strategies and Impact

 Here are a few of the strategies employed by influencers and their impact on modern-day marketing and what I remember about the iconic supermodels of the 90s.

The Power of Influence

  • Storytelling: Influencers are adept storytellers, weaving brand messages seamlessly into their content. This storytelling approach emotionally connects consumers, making the brand more relatable.

  • Influencer Collaborations: Brands often collaborate with influencers on product launches, campaigns, and events. These partnerships leverage the influencer's reach and credibility to create buzz around the brand.

  • User-Generated Content: Influencers encourage user-generated content by prompting their followers to share experiences with the brand. This user-generated content serves as authentic testimonials, further boosting the brand's credibility.

Comparing Influencer Marketing with Supermodel Icon Status

  • Reach and Engagement: While 90s supermodels like Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell graced magazine covers and runways, influencers reach millions of followers through social media platforms in real-time.

  • Authenticity vs. Aspiration: Supermodels of the 90s embodied unattainable beauty standards, whereas influencers show a more authentic and relatable image, resonating with the digital-savvy consumer.

  • Brand Collaborations: Supermodels were often the faces of high-end fashion houses, while influencers collaborate with a diverse range of brands, from luxury labels to indie startups, reflecting the democratization of fashion and marketing.

The supermodels of the '90s achieved celebrity status primarily through their work in the fashion industry. Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, and others graced top fashion magazine covers, walked prestigious designers' runways, and starred in high-profile ad campaigns. 

While influencers and supermodels may operate in different eras and platforms, both share a common goal: to captivate audiences and shape popular culture. While influencers harness the power of social media and authenticity, '90s supermodels epitomized glamour and mystique. 

Ultimately, whether you're scrolling through your Instagram feed or flipping through a fashion magazine, the influence of these iconic figures is undeniable, shaping our perceptions of beauty, style, and success one swipe and tap at a time. 


Crafting Your Personal Brand: Understanding the Fine Line Between Brand and Reputation

As a professional, you are your brand. How you represent yourself online and in person can impact your reputation and opportunities for years. Crafting your brand is not only important, but it's also necessary for success in today's competitive job market. In this blog post, we'll explore the difference between brand and reputation, the importance of building a solid personal brand, and practical steps you can take to develop and communicate your brand effectively. Read on to unlock the power of branding for your career.

Understanding the Difference Between Brand and Reputation

Two terms are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings in terms of personal branding: brand and reputation. Understanding the differences between these two concepts is key to crafting a personal brand that accurately reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Here's a breakdown of the differences between brand and reputation:

  • Brand identity refers to how you present yourself to the world. It's the image or persona you want others to associate with you. A strong brand identity communicates your values, personality, and unique qualities. It sets you apart from others and can help attract opportunities that align with your personal and professional goals.

  • Reputation, on the other hand, is what others think of you based on their experiences and interactions with you. It's the public perception of your character, behavior, and performance. A positive reputation can open doors and establish trust with potential clients or partners. In contrast, a negative reputation can hinder your success and damage your relationships.

So, why is it important to understand the difference between brand and reputation? Because the way you present yourself through your brand identity can influence how others perceive your reputation. For example, your brand messaging must align with your actions. In that case, it can damage your reputation and make you appear untrustworthy.

To avoid this, it's essential to develop a personal branding strategy that considers both your brand identity and reputation. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Build your brand identity around your values, strengths, and passions. Identify what makes you unique and create a consistent message for your audience.

  • Be authentic and transparent in your communication. Only make claims or promises that you can deliver on, as this can damage your reputation if you follow through.

  • Monitor your online presence and actively manage your reputation. Respond to feedback and reviews, and address any negative comments or concerns professionally.

  • Stay consistent in your brand messaging and behavior. This will help establish trust with your audience and ensure your reputation aligns with your brand identity.

By understanding the difference between brand and reputation and developing a personal branding strategy that considers both, you can unlock the power of your personal brand and establish a strong reputation that supports your goals.

Why Is Crafting Your Brand So Important?

In today's digital age, crafting a solid personal brand is essential for standing out in a competitive marketplace. A personal brand is your unique identity to the world, encompassing your skills, values, and personality. It defines you and what sets you apart from others in your field.

Building a personal brand allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your industry and cement your reputation as a thought leader. It helps you differentiate yourself from your competition and attract the attention of potential clients, partners, and business opportunities. In short, a solid personal brand can catalyze success in your professional life.

Another reason why personal branding is important is that it is closely tied to reputation management. 

Your brand and reputation are not the same things, but they are interconnected. 

While your personal brand is the story you tell about yourself, your reputation is what others say about you. A solid personal brand can help you manage your reputation more effectively by providing a consistent and positive image of yourself that aligns with your values and goals.

Crafting a personal brand allows you to control and shape your online presence. In today's digital landscape, your online presence is often people's first impression of you. It's vital to ensure that your brand aligns with how you want to be perceived online and offline. By establishing a solid personal brand, you can ensure that your online presence accurately represents who you are and what you stand for.

Furthermore, a personal brand allows you to showcase your unique voice and personality. Your brand should reflect your values, interests, and passions. By infusing your personal brand with your distinct voice, you can make a lasting impression on your audience and create a more meaningful connection with them.

Personal branding is crucial for professionals in today's fast-paced and digital world. It allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your industry, differentiate yourself from your competition, manage your reputation, and showcase your unique personality. By crafting a personal brand thoughtfully and consistently, you can unlock the power of brand and reputation to achieve your professional goals.

Managing Your Online Presence: How Social Media Can Impact Your Brand and Reputation

As a business owner, it is crucial to understand that your online presence and social media activity can significantly impact your personal brand and reputation. In fact, in today's digital age, many people form their perceptions of brands based on what they see online. That's why managing your online presence should be a critical aspect of your personal branding strategy.

Here are some tips on managing your online presence:

  1. Define your brand voice and values: Your online presence should reflect your brand's personality, values, and mission. Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms and that your online behavior aligns with your brand's identity.

  2. Be strategic with your social media channels: You do not need to have a presence on every platform. Choose the platforms that resonate with your target audience and industry and where you can build a strong brand presence.

  3. Engage with your audience: Social media is a two-way conversation, so regularly engage with your followers and target audience. Respond to comments and messages promptly and in a friendly tone. This will show that you value your audience and build trust.

  4. Monitor your brand mentions: Monitor what people say about your brand on social media. Use tools like Google Alerts and social media monitoring platforms to stay on top of brand mentions and respond promptly and appropriately.

  5. Maintain a professional image: Even if you use social media for personal reasons, ensure that your public profiles present a professional image. Avoid posting anything controversial or offensive that could damage your brand's reputation.

  6. Hire a Social Media Manager: Social media management requires time, expertise, and significant effort. If you need help managing your online presence, consider hiring a social media manager to help you craft and implement effective branding strategies on social platforms.

Managing an online presence is crucial to building a solid personal brand and reputation. By being consistent, professional, strategic, and engaging on social media, you can ensure your brand is perceived positively online and make a lasting impression on your target audience.

Brand Perception vs Reputation: What You Need to Know

Brand perception and reputation are two essential components of a personal brand but often need clarification or use interchangeably. While they are related, they are not the same thing. 

Brand perception refers to how people perceive your brand. It's the sum total of all the impressions, experiences, and emotions that people associate with your brand. This includes everything from your brand messaging and visual identity to the customer service you provide and your actions as a business owner. Brand perception can significantly impact your ability to attract and retain customers and your bottom line.

Reputation, on the other hand, refers to people's collective opinions and beliefs about you and your brand. It's the result of your actions and behavior over time and how you respond to feedback and criticism. Reputation can be fragile, and it can take a long time to build up trust and goodwill, but it can also be quickly tarnished if you make a misstep.

So why is it important to understand the difference between brand perception and reputation? Because they require different strategies to build and maintain. To create a strong brand perception, you need to focus on crafting a consistent brand identity and messaging that resonates with your target audience. It would help if you were intentional about the experiences you create for your customers and the emotions you want to evoke. Brand perception can be reinforced through advertising, marketing campaigns, and other forms of brand communication.

On the other hand, building a solid reputation requires more than good marketing. You must act with integrity and transparency in all your business dealings and respond thoughtfully and proactively to customer feedback or concerns. You need to build trust and authenticity through your actions, not just words. Reputation is earned over time, and it requires ongoing effort to maintain.

Building a successful personal brand takes time and effort. Still, by understanding the differences between brand perception and reputation and focusing on building both, you can create a brand that resonates with your customers and sets you apart from the competition.

While your brand and reputation are interconnected, they serve distinct purposes in shaping your professional and personal identity. By understanding the nuances between the two and actively cultivating both with integrity, authenticity and drive, you can establish a powerful presence that resonates with others and leaves a lasting impact on your journey toward success and fulfillment.

The Need For More Emotional Intelligence and Less Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Today's attention economy, marketing has become increasingly automated, relying heavily on artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven approaches to reach and engage customers. When really the heart of marketing has always been to invoke an emotion and a connection. As crucial as these AI technological advances are, more than ever, businesses must maintain the human relationship that emotional intelligence brings to marketing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we approach digital marketing. With its advanced analytics capabilities, AI offers marketers the ability to collect and analyze vast quantities of data, allowing for more targeted and personalized marketing strategies. This way of thinking is marketing to a machine and an algorithm. 

While AI offers many benefits in data analysis and automation, it has also given rise to a more impersonal approach to marketing. Many businesses have become so focused on collecting and analyzing data that they have lost sight of the human connection at the heart of successful marketing.

This is where emotional intelligence must return. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and understand emotions in ourselves and others. In the age of AI, emotional intelligence is more important than ever. By understanding our target audience's emotional needs and desires, we can create more effective and impactful marketing strategies that resonate with them on a deeper level. Strategies that get them to scroll, stop, and pay attention to what it is you are trying to articulate to the scroller.

One of the most significant impacts of AI on digital marketing has been the ability to collect and analyze consumer data at scale. This has enabled businesses to create more personalized marketing campaigns than ever before. However, this data is often collected in an impersonal way and needs more empathy. By incorporating emotional intelligence into the data analysis process, businesses can better understand their target audience's needs, preferences, and behavior, allowing for more personalized marketing messages that resonate on an emotional level.

Another way in which AI has impacted digital marketing is through automation. While automation has many benefits, it can also lead to a more robotic and impersonal approach to communication. By incorporating emotional intelligence into our communication strategies, we can create more engaging and human-like interactions with our audience.

While AI has undoubtedly transformed the digital marketing landscape, it is important to maintain sight of the human connection at the heart of successful marketing. By incorporating emotional intelligence into our marketing strategies, we can create more effective and impactful campaigns that resonate with our audience on a deeper level.

Emotional intelligence, or understanding and connecting with others' emotions, is crucial in building meaningful customer relationships. With emotional intelligence, brands can avoid being seen as cold and impersonal, ultimately increasing engagement and loyalty.

Here are a few reasons why emotional intelligence is essential in today’s attention economy digital marketing:

  1. Empathy Attracts and Retains Customers: Customers want to feel understood, valued, and respected. By showing empathy toward their needs, emotions, and preferences, brands can create a connection that fosters a positive customer experience. Empathy helps businesses gain insight into customer behavior, which can be analyzed to improve overall customer experience.

  2. Personalization: Consumers want personalized experiences, not generic ads. Emotional intelligence allows brands to tailor their marketing campaigns to meet their audience's needs. By doing so, businesses can differentiate themselves and create more engagement with their target audiences.

  3. Trust and Loyalty: Building trust and loyalty is crucial for businesses and emotional intelligence can help. Brand messaging and storytelling grounded in authenticity and empathy create deeper emotional connections that drive customer engagement and loyalty.

Strategies for Implementing Emotional Intelligence in Digital Marketing:

  1. Use data and consumer insights to understand your audience better. Analyze data to determine what drives your customers' needs and how they behave online. Use this information to tailor your messaging and develop content that speaks directly to them.

  2. Communicate with empathy and authenticity. Use language that resonates with your audience and avoids being too sales-oriented. Customers want to know that you genuinely understand their needs and that you're not just trying to sell to them.

  3. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with customers. Stories help customers connect with the brand on a deeper, more personal level, which goes beyond the mere features and benefits of a product.

Measuring Success of Emotional Intelligence in Digital Marketing

As with any marketing strategy, measuring success and determining the effectiveness of your efforts is essential. However, measuring the success of emotional intelligence in digital marketing can be more nuanced than other metrics. It's not simply a matter of tracking clicks or engagement rates. Instead, it involves evaluating the impact of emotional intelligence on customer behavior, brand loyalty, and overall customer experience.

One effective way to measure success is to track customer behavior before and after implementing emotional intelligence strategies. Are customers spending more time on your website or engaging more with your social media content? Are they more likely to purchase or recommend your brand to a friend? These are all indicators that your emotional intelligence efforts have a positive effect.

Another important metric to consider is brand loyalty. Are customers more likely to stick with your brand in the long term? Do they feel a stronger connection to your brand than they did before? These are essential questions to ask when measuring the success of emotional intelligence in digital marketing, as they can significantly impact your bottom line.

In addition to these metrics, it is also important to consider customer feedback. 

Are customers responding positively to your emotional intelligence strategies? Are they expressing appreciation for the personalized experiences you are creating? Paying attention to customer feedback can help you refine your emotional intelligence efforts and ensure they resonate with your target audience.

Of course, tracking more traditional metrics such as engagement, click-through, and conversion rates is also important. However, viewing these metrics through the lens of emotional intelligence is important. For example, a high click-through rate on an emotionally charged email campaign may indicate that your emotional intelligence efforts resonate with your audience.

Measuring the success of emotional intelligence in digital marketing requires a holistic approach that considers both traditional metrics and more nuanced indicators such as customer behavior and brand loyalty. 

Tracking these metrics and paying attention to customer feedback can refine your emotional intelligence efforts and create more meaningful, personalized customer experiences.