
That Big Marketing Event In February

I look forward to the Super Bowl every year, I look forward to it more when the Green Bay Packers are in it,  but when they are not, I look forward to the commercials.

The overwhelming theme this year seemed to be realize your dream and work hard to achieve them. To me a great theme to have during a Super Bowl, as well as these chaotic times in the United States. 

My top three in no particular order are as follows:

1. Honda Yearbooks

Just a feel good commercial about realizing where you come from and keep moving forward to achieve your dreams and goals.


2. Budweiser "Born The Hard Way"


A true statement to the American dream.  The other thing that Budweiser absolutely rocked at was having an SMM on duty the entire span of the Superbowl, and almost ALL comments were responded to pretty much immediately. 


3. Audi America "#DriveProgress"


The comments on the Youtube page can be summed up as, "How did Audi think that this commercial would help sell cars?" Well, Audi started a conversation, people are talking about them, about this commercial and they have put out there what exactly their position on an issue is.  

Marketing is as much  "selling" things as it is also developing a relationship with a customer or a potential customer.  Tell me what were your favorite commercials from the Super Bowl?