Navigating the Crossroads: Blending Traditional Marketing with the Power of Social Media

When I meet with a new client for a consultation, they often want me to help them make their marketing sexier. They want nothing to do with traditional marketing and want their only marketing tactics to be digital.

Well, I might be the only Digital and Social Media Marketing Professional out there who does not want you to discredit the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns.

There is still something to be said for those billboards along the highway on a road trip and the print magazines that are hanging on from extinction.

Let’s get into it.

Like it or not we live in a world powered by social media, and finding the right balance between traditional marketing methods and the dynamic world of social media is the key to unlocking unparalleled success. As a business owner, you understand the importance of adapting to the changing times while recognizing the enduring value of traditional marketing techniques. 

Let's explore the synergy between these realms and why incorporating both is crucial for a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy.

In a world dominated by tweets, short-form videos, likes, and shares, the significance of traditional marketing methods should not be underestimated. Imagine the impact of a well-crafted print ad in a reputable magazine or a strategically placed billboard on a busy highway. These traditional avenues offer a sense of permanence and legitimacy that can be challenging to replicate in the fast-paced digital space.

Building Brand Credibility:

Traditional marketing provides a tangible and trustworthy image for your brand. Print media, television commercials, and radio ads may seem SO old fashion but have a longstanding history of reaching a broad audience, instilling a sense of credibility and reliability in potential consumers. As a business owner, you understand the power of a strong brand foundation.

Targeting Diverse Demographics:

Traditional methods excel at reaching diverse demographics. While social media platforms allow you to target specific audiences based on their online behavior, traditional marketing ensures you're not missing out on potential customers who may not be active on social media or prefer offline channels.

The rise of social media a decade ago has revolutionized how brands connect with their audience. As a business owner, you know that social media platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for engagement, interaction, and real-time communication with your target audience.

While traditional and digital marketing methods have their strengths, the true magic happens when they converge. As a digital marketing professional navigating this crossroads, you understand that an integrated approach is the key to unlocking the full potential of your marketing efforts.

Creating a Seamless Brand Experience:

Combining traditional and digital elements allows you to create a seamless brand experience. A consumer might see your brand through a print ad, follow you on social media, and then purchase through your website. This continuity enhances brand recall and strengthens the overall impact of your marketing strategy.

Amplifying Reach and Impact:

Integration amplifies your reach by tapping into both online and offline channels. A television commercial followed by a targeted social media campaign can create a powerful one-two punch, ensuring your message resonates with a broader audience.

As a business owner, finding the right balance between traditional and social media marketing is ongoing. Here are some tips to help you navigate this delicate balance.

Understand Your Audience:

Tailor your approach based on your target audience. Some demographics may respond better to traditional methods, while others are more active on social media. A deep understanding of your audience is the cornerstone of an effective strategy.

Measure and Adapt:

Leverage analytics to measure the performance of both traditional and digital campaigns. This data-driven approach enables you to adapt your strategy quickly, optimizing for the channels and methods that yield the best results.

Consistency is Key:

Maintain a consistent brand voice and message across all channels. Whether a TV commercial or a tweet, your brand should resonate with a unified identity.

As a business owner, embracing the synergy between traditional and social media marketing is the key to staying ahead in an ever-evolving landscape. When you understand the unique strengths of each approach and integrate them seamlessly, you can create a holistic marketing strategy that captivates your audience and drives meaningful results. The future of marketing lies in the delicate dance between tradition and innovation, and you, as a digital maestro, are well-positioned to lead the way.

If content drops and no one is around to consume it, does the trending audio still make a sound?

If content drops and no one is around to consume it, does the trending audio still make a sound?

I'm here to ask you today: are you creating content for a machine (aka an algorithm) or for human consumption?

Because I gotta be honest: what I've seen lately on Instagram and other social platforms is clearly created to keep a machine happy, not the humans who are a part of your community.

Content Marketing is all about emotion and connection.

Stop- Read that again.

Content Marketing is all about emotion and connection.

I understand I learned marketing basics in the 1900s, but that emotion part has stayed the same and is going nowhere soon.

More than EVER, humans want to feel a part of a community, and if your content constantly tries to "sell" them something, you're getting scrolled over.

Sorry, you are.

It's time to rethink the marketing journey, except backward.

I mean, why are you still here reading this?

Is it because you could tell I intended to get you to pause, read, and consider why you are taking the time away from running your business to create and share your business's content to your social platform of choice?

Cause that's why I'm taking the time to write this.

That scene from The Notebook comes to mind, you know, the scene where he's yelling over and over, "What Do You Want?" and she keeps saying it's not that simple.

But it can be.

Content marketing can be that simple- you have to start by putting the outcome first when creating it, and hopefully, by now, you've concluded that part of that outcome is capturing a HUMAN's attention, not a machine's.

We live in an attention economy right now, and you have a lot of content competition, but from what I've seen, that competition puts a machine first and not a human when creating.

Knowing this one fact can help you get scroll-stopped.

Stop letting your content freeze because you're creating it to appease a machine. Emotion, connection, and consistency are the organic ingredients to get scroll-stopped and build a community.

How are you going to create future content with this knowledge?

If You're Talking On Your Social Videos Without Captions I'm Scrolling On And I'm Not The Only One

Video content has become a dominant force in online communication. From educational tutorials to entertaining vlogs, videos have the power to convey messages dynamically and engagingly. However, one often overlooked aspect of video creation is the inclusion of captions.

I don’t know about you, but when I am scrolling my social feeds, and I come across a video that someone is talking in, no matter the content, if the captions are missing from the video, I’m scrolling right on. And I know that I am not the only consumer of content scrolling right on by.

Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or business owner, understanding why it's important to have captions on your videos, especially when speaking, is vital to maximizing the impact of your visual content.

Accessibility for All: Bridging the Communication Gap

One of the primary reasons to include captions in your videos is to enhance accessibility. We live in a diverse world where individuals have varied abilities and preferences. Adding captions makes your content inclusive for people with hearing impairments. This simple step ensures that your message is not limited to those who can hear it but reaches a broader audience, promoting equal access to information.

Captions play a crucial role in breaking down language barriers. In a globalized digital landscape, your audience may comprise individuals from different linguistic backgrounds. Providing captions enables viewers to follow along, even if the spoken language is not their primary one. This inclusivity fosters a sense of connection and understanding, expanding the reach of your content to a more diverse and international audience.

Improving Comprehension and Retention

Humans are diverse learners, and some individuals grasp information more effectively through visual or text-based means. Adding captions to your videos caters to those who benefit from reading along with the spoken words. This dual sensory experience can significantly improve comprehension, making your content more accessible and memorable for a broader range of viewers, including those who may struggle with auditory learning.

SEO Boost: Making Your Content Discoverable

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to online content creation. Captions can contribute significantly to your video's SEO. Search engines index the text within captions, making it easier for your content to be discovered through relevant searches. This added visibility can lead to increased traffic and a broader audience, amplifying the impact of your video content.

Captions don't just serve a practical purpose; they also enhance the overall user experience. Some viewers prefer watching videos without sound, especially in public spaces or quiet environments. By offering captions, you cater to this audience, providing an alternative way for them to engage with your content. This flexibility can result in longer watch times and increased viewer satisfaction.

Compliance with Legal Requirements

In various regions, some legal requirements and guidelines mandate the inclusion of captions in video content, particularly for accessibility purposes. By incorporating captions into your videos, you not only adhere to these regulations but also demonstrate a commitment to creating content that is accessible to everyone. This helps you avoid legal issues and aligns your brand with principles of inclusivity and social responsibility.

Social media platforms are powerful tools for content distribution, and captions play a pivotal role in maximizing their potential. On platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, where auto-play is common, captions grab the viewer's attention even when the sound is off. This feature is especially crucial for marketing campaigns, ensuring your message is effectively conveyed to users scrolling through their feeds.

The importance of adding captions to your videos must be balanced. It goes beyond mere compliance with regulations; it is a strategic decision to make your content more accessible, inclusive, and engaging. From reaching a global audience to improving comprehension and SEO, the benefits of captions extend far beyond the initial effort required to include them in your video production process. As content creators, marketers, and businesses continue to navigate the competitive landscape of online media, embracing captions becomes not just a choice but a necessity for success in the digital realm.

The Human Touch in a Digital World: Nurturing Genuine Connections in Content Marketing

I don’t know about you but I’m SO over hearing and reading and watching about algorithm hacks on social media. We are living in a time when everyone wants a hack for everything when the hack that hardly anyone wants to do anything with is showing up and pressing share as a human and not a salesperson.

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, where algorithms reign supreme and data analytics steer upper management decision-making, it's crucial to remember that content marketing is fundamentally about humans. I've been a digital marketing expert in this field, navigating the complex terrain of algorithms and technology; getting lost in the sea of data points and metrics is easy. However, amidst the lines of code and analytical tools, you must remind yourself that real, living, breathing humans are at the heart of your efforts.

In the race to optimize your content for search engines and leverage algorithms, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that your audience is comprised of individuals with unique needs, preferences, and emotions. While algorithms can help you identify trends and streamline processes, they cannot replace the human touch essential for building authentic connections.

Understanding Your Audience on a Deeper Level

As a business owner, you are undoubtedly well-versed in knowing your audience segmentation and targeting. However, it's essential to go beyond demographics and delve into the psychographics of your audience. What are their values? What are their pain points? What aspirations drive them? This deeper understanding will allow you to create content that resonates on a personal level.

Algorithms may provide insights into user behavior, but it takes human intuition and empathy to interpret those insights and create content that genuinely connects. By tapping into the emotional aspects of your audience, you can craft narratives that evoke feelings, establish trust, and ultimately drive engagement.

It's time to only produce content if you understand WHY you are pressing the share button.

Crafting Compelling Stories

Algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify keywords and trends. Still, they cannot tell a story that captivates and inspires. As a digital marketing expert, your role is optimizing for SEO and weaving narratives that resonate with your audience. Humans are hardwired to connect through stories, and compelling narratives have the power to cut through the digital noise and leave a lasting impression.

Take the time to understand the journey your audience is on. I know that they are telling you. Stop and think about the three frequently asked questions for or to me in different ways, but it's still the same question. What challenges do they face, and how can your product or service be a solution? Share success stories, highlight customer testimonials, and create content that informs and engages on an emotional level. In a world of information, storytelling is the key to standing out and forging meaningful connections.

Embracing Genuineness in Your Content

Algorithms don't understand genuineness; they can't differentiate between truth and contrived content. When marketing your business, you are responsible for infusing realism and the human into every content you create. This comes from understanding your intention before you press share because genuineness builds trust, which is the foundation of any successful personal or business-related relationship.

An example and way to do this that takes little effort is to tell stories and share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand, showcase the faces behind the company, and be transparent about your values. Today's consumers are savvy and can discern when they're being sold to. Authenticity, on the other hand, fosters a sense of connection and loyalty. It's not about presenting a polished facade but being real, honest, and relatable.

We all love that AI and algorithms can automate responses, but what they can't do is engage in genuine conversations. When you take on the marketing role of your business, your part extends beyond pushing out content; it involves actively engaging in conversations with your audience. Respond to comments, address concerns, and seek feedback. Human interaction fosters a sense of community and belonging, creating a two-way street of communication.

Encourage user-generated content, ask for opinions, and acknowledge your audience's contributions. Engaging with your audience humanizes your brand and creates a sense of connection beyond transactional relationships. Remember that each interaction is an opportunity to build a lasting connection with an individual, not just another data point in your analytics report.

In the fast and ever-changing world of digital marketing, it's easy to become enamored, distracted, and eventually let down with algorithms, data analytics, and the latest technological advancements.

Now and moving forward, it's crucial to understand that content marketing is fundamentally about humans. While algorithms can provide valuable insights and streamline processes, they cannot replace the human touch required to build authentic connections.

It's time to understand your audience deeper, craft compelling narratives, embrace being genuine, and engage in meaningful conversations. In doing so, you'll optimize for algorithms and create content that resonates with individuals on a personal level. Because, in the end, the human connection transcends the digital realm and transforms a one-time visitor into a loyal customer.

Unmasking the Social Media Facade: The Importance of Being Genuine and Integrity in Business

Social media has given rise to a culture of carefully crafted online personas. So much so that I feel sometimes scrollers forget that the content they consume is mainly made by just another human being, not an actor or actress. However, many individuals and businesses have created almost a "character" who presents a "perfect" image on social media, often at the expense of their authenticity and integrity. An example is the last week of December 2023, when one of the biggest YouTubers who quit YouTube a few years ago announced they were quitting all social media

But the truth is, people can see through the facade of social media. They are seeking to do business with individuals of integrity and authenticity. Consumers want to interact and engage with genuine businesses that prioritize honesty and transparency.

With the constant stream of people curating their lives on social media, it is increasingly difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves from the crowd.

Among other things, in 2024, presenting a polished and curated image online is on its way out.

People want to know they are doing business with a real person, not just a faceless company. They want to know that the person behind the business is honest, trustworthy, and genuine. They can tell that by deciphering the intention of your digital communications. Whether you know it or not, your intention shows in everything you email, post, and photograph. 

The days of the gimmicky and limited-time FOMO sales pitches are slowly expiring. Hustle culture and consumers are turning into something else.

The Power of Genuineness in Building Customer Relationships

I don't know about you, but the ever-increasing competition has made it challenging for brands to stand out. Your post is competing for attention from some of the top dog influencers; after all, because of this, many businesses resort to artificial tactics to grab people's attention, a.k .a. replicating anything that has gone viral. 

Because of this phenomenon, what has been so interesting to me is that Instagram and other social channels have gotten so great at socially programming users to refrain from posting due to low reach. Because less reach means less engagement, it means fewer people wanting to share their content, leading people to NOT engage with other people's content out of spite. Do you see how this is backward and will not bring any awareness to your brand, business, or whatever? 

To be genuine in your online presence and personal brand, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Know Yourself: Before presenting yourself as genuinely as possible, you must know who you are. What values are important to you? What makes you unique? When you have a clear understanding of yourself, it becomes easier to create content that is authentic and reflects your true self. This is the hardest step because it asks you to get to know yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

  2. Be Consistent: Consistency is vital in building your online presence and personal brand. Consistency in your messaging and communications makes it easier for your followers to connect with you and build a relationship with your brand or business. Ensure your content reflects your brand's values and messaging and remains consistent across all platforms.

  3. Share Your Story: Storytelling is a powerful way to build authentic connections with your followers. Share your story, your journey, and your experiences. When you are transparent about your journey, your followers will feel part of it, creating a sense of connection and loyalty to your brand.

  4. Engage with Your Followers: Engaging with your followers is another way to build an authentic online presence. Respond to comments, actively participate in conversations, and show appreciation for your followers by sharing their content or giving shoutouts to loyal followers. Building relationships through online engagement is essential to build an authentic and loyal fan base.

  5. Be True to Yourself: Lastly, be true to yourself when building your online presence and personal brand. Don't try to be someone you're not or create a false persona to attract a larger audience. Authenticity is what sets you apart from your competition, and it's what your followers are seeking.

Once you know yourself, understand the intention of putting your digital marketing out into the ether, be consistent, share your story, engage with your followers, and remain true to yourself, you can create a genuine online presence and personal brand that stands out and builds authentic connections with your followers.

We're all getting better at seeing posts and people for what and who they are, aren't we?

Join the Maven Movement: Subscribe to Our Weekly Email

Being genuine and transparent with your audience can build a loyal following and establish your brand as a trustworthy authority in your industry. Remember, your intention in posting is the best policy moving forward as you create content this year. Subscribe to the weekly Maven Movement email for more tips and insights on succeeding in your business.

The Evolution of Social Media Perception and Its Impact on Digital Marketing

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has transformed how we interact and communicate online, but how does this affect our perception of social media? This post analyzes the historical context of social media perception. It delves into current trends, online reputation management, and what consumers are asking for in 2024. Keep reading to learn more about the role of social media perception in digital marketing and how it impacts our online presence.

The Historical Context of Social Media Perception

Social media platforms have come a long way since the early days of MySpace and Friendster, and so has the public perception of these platforms. I am one of the elder millennials of a time when Facebook was strictly for college-to-college communication. You remember the early days when social media was widely seen as a way for young people to connect with friends. However, as social media usage became more widespread, people began to see it as a way to stay informed, share opinions, and engage more deeply with the world around them.

Over time, social media has become more than just a way to keep in touch with friends and family. It has become an integral tool for businesses and individuals looking to build their online presence and improve their reputation and brand image. As of this writing, social media is used by over three billion people worldwide, making it one of the most powerful communication tools in history.

Despite its rapid growth, social media has had to overcome many challenges related to online reputation management and user trust. One of the most significant issues social media platforms face has been the spread of fake news and disinformation. We are currently living in an information war and the spread of disinformation has led to concerns about the impact of social media on democracy, social cohesion, and even national security.

As a result, the public perception of social media in the past three years has fluctuated. However, even with all of this in mind, social media platforms are here to stay and will continue to play a significant role in how we communicate, engage, and conduct business online.

Here are some key points to consider when looking at the historical context of social media:

  1. MySpace and Friendster were the first social media platforms to gain widespread popularity.

  2. Facebook revolutionized social media first by allowing college students and, eventually, public users to share more personal information and connect with people beyond their immediate social circles.

  3. Twitter popularized the concept of microblogging, allowing users to share short, concise messages with a global audience.

  4. Instagram and Snapchat redefined social media by focusing on visual storytelling and fleeting content.

Understanding this evolution of social media is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to build their online presence and improve their reputation and brand visibility. By staying current with the latest trends in social media usage and user behavior, you can develop a more effective social media marketing strategy and engage more effectively with your target audience. Which leads me too…

Current Trends in Social Media Usage and Their Impact on Perception

Today's social media usage trends have drastically changed from how they were perceived during their inception. In this section, we will explore the different trends in social media usage and how they impact the perception of social media.

One of the biggest trends in social media usage, specifically in the past 3 years, is the shift towards visual content. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are visual-based platforms that have become increasingly popular. Users prefer to consume short-form video content and infographics instead of reading lengthy text posts (Shoutout to those still here reading my voice). This trend towards visual content has impacted the perception of social media as it creates more opportunities for engagement; even though people are not engaging with said visual content, ironically, users are more likely to share visual content, resulting in increased brand visibility.

Another trend in social media usage is the shift towards authentic and relatable content. I have been advocating hard for this in 2023 and will continue to do so in 2024. Consumers and users are now more interested in accurate and honest content rather than polished and staged images. In response to this trend, brands are creating more humanized and relatable, aka user-generated content that resonates better with their target audience.

An essential factor in social media perception that is overlooked because of trends but so incredibly important is online reputation management. Social media platforms allow users to share opinions and experiences online. Negative comments and reviews can ruin a brand's image, resulting in a loss of trust and, ultimately, a decline in sales. Online reputation management strategies focus on monitoring and managing a brand's online presence and overall perception.

The shift towards visual and authentic content has created more opportunities for engagement and increased brand visibility. If you are reading this and scrolling without engaging, consider this an invitation to begin engaging. Effective online reputation management strategies have become crucial for maintaining a positive brand image and trust within the online community. Understanding these trends is vital for businesses to build an effective social media strategy and achieve their digital marketing goals.

Analyzing Online Reputation and Brand Visibility

Maintaining a positive online presence has become crucial in the social media era. People judge a brand or a person by their social media profiles. I would bet that when you hear about a new place, experience, or whatever, one of the first things that you do is Google the place BUT also search for it on social media. You are not the only one, and because of this, your online reputation can influence how people perceive your brand and digital marketing strategies. To effectively utilize social media, you must regularly analyze your online reputation and brand visibility.

Here are some key factors to consider when analyzing your online reputation and brand visibility:

  1. Monitor Mentions: Keep an eye on all mentions of your brand on social media. Responding to both positive and negative feedback can have a significant impact on your brand's reputation. According to research, brands responding to more than 70% of customer complaints have a higher chance of retaining customers.

  2. Analyze Social Media Metrics: Social media metrics can provide valuable insights into your brand's social media performance. Analysis of the metrics can help you understand your brand's reach, engagement rates, and even brand sentiment.

  3. Regularly Audit Your Social Media Profiles: Conduct a thorough audit of your social media profiles to ensure that all the information presented online is correct and reflects your brand's overall message.

  4. Stay Consistent: Maintaining consistency across all social media platforms can help build a strong brand image. A consistent visual and verbal message will create a more positive perception of your brand in the minds of your audience.

Engaging with your audience on social media is one of the only ways to organically build your brand reputation online, and it's also essential to your overall digital marketing strategy. Managing your online reputation effectively will improve your brand's perception and increase brand visibility. A positive online identity can result in more engagement, higher web traffic, and increased revenue. If your business does not have a Google business page 2024 is the year to get this up and running.

Managing Perception through Social Media Strategy

With more than half of the world's population using social networks, businesses must understand how people perceive social media and leverage their presence on these platforms to improve their brand image and online reputation.

Social media perception plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and directly impacts digital marketing efforts. Therefore, it's essential to develop a social media strategy that manages perception and ensures that your brand visibility is positive and engaging to your target audience.

Responding quickly and professionally is important when you find negative comments or feedback. This level of engagement shows your audience that you care about your online reputation and take constructive criticism seriously. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to turn a negative perception into a positive one.

Along with monitoring comments, another way to reinforce your brand visibility is by consistently posting content relevant to your industry. Posting engaging content such as blog posts, videos, and social media updates increases your brand awareness. It reinforces your position as an industry leader. This valuable content helps build trust with your target audience and encourages them to engage with your brand.

When done right, social media strategy can significantly impact a company's online image and trustworthiness. By creating valuable and relevant content and actively engaging with your followers, you can build a positive perception of your brand and establish yourself as a reputable business, a crucial aspect of effective digital marketing.

This overlooked aspect of marketing the managing perception through social media strategy requires consistent monitoring, engagement, and relevant content creation. By following these essential steps, businesses can build a positive perception of their brand, reinforce their online reputation, and increase their online trust.

Looking into 2024 Social Media Perception

Here are some of my social media marketing predictions to watch out for in 2024:

  1. Increased focus on authenticity: Consumers are becoming more aware of fake news, sponsored content, and other tactics used to manipulate perception. As a result, brands that prioritize transparency, honesty, and genuine communication will be more likely to build trust and loyalty.

  2. Personalization and privacy concerns: Users are becoming more protective of their personal data and expect brands to respect their privacy. However, they also crave personalized experiences catering to their needs and interests. Companies that find the right balance between personalization and privacy will be ahead of the game.

  3. New platforms and technologies: While social media giants like Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram remain popular, new platforms and technologies are constantly emerging. From TikTok to VR and AR, businesses must stay up-to-date on the latest trends and adapt their strategies accordingly. This doesn’t mean that you need to ditch the big platforms to be present on every single platform because who has the time for that, but it does mean you need to understand what exists.

  4. Social media and social issues: As societal topics such as diversity, inclusion, and sustainability take center stage, consumers are looking to brands to take a stance and make a meaningful impact. I recently guest-posted on a colleague's blog about this very topic; you do not need to take a stand on EVERY social issue. Business Activism, Brand Identity, and Social Media need to be balanced.

  5. Rising importance of influencers: Influencer marketing is already a significant force in social media, and it will only get bigger. As traditional advertising becomes less effective, brands increasingly turn to influencers to promote their products and services. The user-generated content is what is currently getting clicks and conversions. However, my professional advice is to choose the right influencers to align with your brand and messaging. Research and interview them before any contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered.

By keeping these trends in mind and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can stay ahead of the curve regarding social media perception and digital marketing. As always, I am here for you- let’s schedule a call and get clear on your social strategy in 2024.

Digital Marketing And Sales Are Two Very Different Things Your Business Needs Both

Sales and marketing are often interchanged in business, but the two distinct functions shape companies differently. Understanding sales and marketing roles is crucial to developing a successful business strategy. Let's explore what sets these functions apart, how they overlap, and, most importantly, how to find balance for the most effective outcome. Whether you're a business owner, a marketer, a sales rep, or a curious reader, this article is a must-read to learn everything you need to know about sales and marketing.

Defining Sales and Marketing

To understand which strategy wins the battle between sales and marketing, it's important first to define each term and its overarching goals.

Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs by creating and promoting products and services. The ultimate goal of marketing is to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive revenue.

Sales, on the other hand, focuses on the actual process of selling a product or service to potential customers. The goal of sales is to close deals and make the sale happen.

While sales and marketing have distinct goals, they ultimately work towards the same end goal: revenue. The critical difference lies in the approach and tactics used to reach that goal.

Here are some examples of how these two strategies differ:

The Different Goals of Sales and Marketing

Marketing Goals

  • Building brand awareness

  • Generating leads

  • Increasing website traffic

  • Establishing thought leadership

  • Communicating value proposition

Sales Goals

  • Closing deals

  • Hitting quarterly targets

  • Upselling existing customers

  • Customer retention

  • Growing revenue

How Sales and Marketing Overlap

While sales and marketing have different overarching goals, the two strategies often overlap and work together to achieve success. For example:

Marketing Strategies that Aid Sales

  • Creating educational content to attract and engage potential customers

  • Generating leads through targeted advertising campaigns

  • Developing a solid brand identity to establish trust and credibility with prospects

  • Conducting market research to inform sales strategies and tactics

Sales Tactics that Align with Marketing

  • Leveraging content created by the marketing team to educate and qualify leads

  • Delivering personalized sales pitches that address a prospect's pain points and needs

  • Building relationships with prospects through targeted email campaigns

  • Upselling existing customers through targeted offers and promotions

Finding the Right Balance Between Sales and Marketing

Finding the right balance between sales and marketing strategies is essential for success. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Communicate regularly: Make sure that your sales and marketing teams regularly communicate and share information about their strategies, customer feedback, and new campaigns or promotions.

  2. Align goals: Ensure that sales and marketing goals align with the overall business objectives. This will ensure that each team is working towards the same end goal.

  3. Track metrics: Use metrics that measure the success of both sales and marketing efforts, and use these metrics to adjust and optimize your strategies over time.

  4. Continuously improve: Constantly seek ways to improve your sales and marketing strategies through testing, experimentation, and learning from successes and failures.

By understanding the differences and similarities between sales and marketing and finding the right balance, you can create a powerful strategy that helps your business succeed.

The Different Goals of Sales and Marketing

Sales and marketing may seem interchangeable, but they are very different. Understanding the goals of each department is crucial in identifying how they can support each other and work together toward the company's overall success.

Marketing's primary goal is to attract and engage potential customers. They aim to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive revenue through customer acquisition. 

Marketing tactics include:

  • Creating a unique value proposition.

  • Developing a solid branding strategy.

  • Crafting compelling messaging to convey the brand's message to the target audience.

On the other hand, the primary goal of the sales department is to close deals and generate revenue. They are responsible for nurturing and converting those leads generated by the marketing department into loyal, paying customers. 

A successful sales process involves:

  • Building trust with potential clients.

  • Understanding their specific needs and pain points.

  • Presenting solutions that meet those needs.

While it may seem like sales and marketing are at odds with each other, the reality is that the two departments are deeply intertwined. Marketing may attract leads, but without an effective sales process, those leads will never convert into paying customers. Similarly, sales can only work with what marketing provides. The salespeople will have little to work with if the marketing efforts aren't generating quality leads.

Effective marketing strategies will help support and enable the sales department. For example, developing a solid online presence through content and social media marketing can increase brand awareness and generate leads. Creating targeted campaigns aligning with the sales funnel can further aid lead generation and nurturing.

In turn, the sales team can help marketing by providing critical insights into what prospects are looking for and what messaging resonates with them. They can also offer feedback on the quality of leads generated by marketing efforts, allowing the marketing department to adjust and refine their strategies accordingly.

The key to finding the right balance between sales and marketing is ensuring that both departments work towards the same overall goal: driving revenue and growing the business. By aligning their strategies and supporting each other's efforts, sales and marketing can create a symbiotic relationship that benefits the company.

Marketing Strategies that Aid Sales

Marketing and sales are two different functions that have their own distinct goals. Still, they can work together to achieve the ultimate goal of driving revenue. Marketing strategies can aid sales by generating leads, raising brand awareness, and creating interest in the company's products or services.

One of the most effective marketing strategies for aiding sales is lead generation. Lead generation identifies and captures potential customers interested in the company's products or services. Attention can be grabbed through various tactics, such as creating engaging content, offering freebies like whitepapers or webinars, or hosting events.

In addition to lead generation, marketing tactics can aid sales by increasing brand awareness. By creating a solid brand identity and messaging, marketing can differentiate the company from competitors and establish trust with potential customers. This makes it easier for the sales team to convert leads into paying customers.

Marketing campaigns can also aid sales by creating interest in the company's products or services. By creating targeted campaigns that speak to potential customers' needs and pain points, marketing can generate demand and build a sense of urgency that motivates people to take action. This helps speed up the sales process and close deals faster.

Another way marketing can aid sales is by creating a firm or unique value proposition. This statement communicates the benefits of the company's products or services and why they are better than the alternatives. A strong value proposition can help differentiate the company from competitors and make it easier for the sales team to convince potential customers to choose its offerings.

Finally, marketing can aid sales by creating a positive customer experience. By providing helpful information, engaging content, and personalized experiences, marketing can make a lasting impression on potential customers that can build brand loyalty and increase customer retention. This can also lead to positive word-of-mouth marketing, generating more leads and sales over time.

By now you understand that marketing strategies can aid sales by generating leads, raising brand awareness, creating interest in the company's products or services, establishing trust with potential customers, creating a solid value proposition, and creating a positive customer experience. By working together, marketing and sales can achieve their ultimate goal of driving revenue and growing the business.

Finding the right balance between sales and marketing requires collaboration, data integration, optimization, experimentation, and clear metrics. By working together, sales and marketing can maximize their impact and drive growth for their brand.

Booking a Call: How to Schedule a Meeting with Ease

Both sales and marketing strategies are critical for business growth and success. While marketing generates leads and builds brand awareness, sales closes deals and brings revenue. Instead of choosing one over the other, businesses should focus on aligning their sales and marketing efforts to drive growth and achieve their goals. A successful alignment requires a deep understanding of the target audience and clear communication between the two teams. So, if you want to learn more about how to align your sales and marketing strategies, book a call today!

Should You Ditch All The Other Social Platforms And Focus Marketing On Tik Tok Exclusively

I'm getting back from a holiday spent with friends and family, and the other day, I went to a networking event and got to chatting with a fellow business owner about how Instagram is dying. Right after that event, I got on a consultant call about how they want to axe posting to all of the other platforms to move over and focus their digital marketing efforts solely on TikTok because it seems gangbusters. 

I'm bringing this up because I KNOW these two people are saying what you're probably thinking, which is why I want to shine a light on the elephant in the cyber room and highlight why it's challenging to grow organically on social right now, and offer some suggestions on how you can fix it going into 2024. 

Because I'm right there frustrated with organic growth along with you, all of social media feels like a giant advertising funnel. In the past 3 months, I've blocked, reported as spam, unfriended, and unsubscribed because so many “strangers” I was connected to were coming into my DMs and TEXT cold pitching me their offerings. It's difficult in a scroll lately to find a post about something other than "Here's this cool thing I found; use my code to save 2%." Or " I'm this amazing person who will teach you to find your authentic self."

You know I'm not wrong; if you are one of these people, we need to discuss your Marketing and Sales. 

So right now, I want you to step into a time machine and think back to when businesses were beginning to come online- when FB created business pages, when Instagram was for iPhones only, and Pinterest was invite-only. Business Social became an exclusive club. 

This was the time when there was less noise, fewer creators, and a limited understanding of the potential and benefits of social media marketing. It was a time when you could've created posts and gotten more likes and engagement on a post than you had total followers. You could've created a bunch of high-quality ads, and it would've garnered a ton of clicks, engagement, and purchases.

Do you remember them now? Is it making you nostalgic?

Me too.

It was a time when the 24-hour speed at which a company responded to users was enough to impress and retain their attention. And because a timely response was such a differentiator, brands leaned on AI created responses for quick replies. Like this:

"Thank you for reaching out to us. We value your feedback and are always here to help. Please be assured that your concern has been noted and will be forwarded to the relevant department. For further assistance, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. Have a great day!"

So, with these AI-created responses, the focus went to creating more and more content to attract an audience.

But people got smarter with social, didn't they?

Or at least they think they did.

Posts went from being about creating a conversation and to establish relationships to only pitching products, affiliate links and coaching programs.

And I’m here to tell you that…

No one likes being sold to, and every channel is so overly saturated with great content.

These days, you’ve got to create a way of selling without selling.

There’s a question that I can’t stop thinking about what's the point of busting your ass creating great content if no one is there to interact with it?

This isn't something new; this has been the foundation of my business since the beginning, but it's worth emphasizing again for the people in the nose bleeds that the point of being on social media is to be social.

We need to get back to conversations, talking about things that are relatable to a community, creating a community.

In general, for 2024, we need to move away from this broadcast mentality, constantly pitching, and lean more toward a relationship/community building one.

This is where TikTok takes off because people on there appear unfiltered, relatable, a community, all of what Instagram used to be before we only posted perfectly styled photos and videos.

But I’m interested in how your “instant” likes and followers on TikTok are converting to sales, bookings and inquiries to whatever it is that you are offering. Is the conversion rate the same as it is on the other platforms? Are people not converting at all? Because the truth is you can have 100s and 1,000s of likes, but it’s the conversions to sales that pay the bills, not likes and hearts.

It isn't all the other platforms besides TikTok that are dead, it’s the broadcast and energy of, "I'm amazing at everything, buy my stuff" method is dead, and awaiting its funeral. 

Looking ahead into 2024, here's an easy tactic for your brand to be memorable: have genuine interactions. 

Ditch the AI responses, or at least humanize them. Ditch the styling of what everyone else is doing, stop using all the same songs and talk to your audience in a way that's not so obvious that you're selling to them.

Have a conversation. Be helpful. Be thoughtful. Treat your brand account like a personal one with its identity and personality. BUILD A COMMUNITY instead of a following.

If you need to mediate on how to do that, then mediate on it.

Brand loyalty will grow faster through active engagement than the number of your posts- it’s always been quality OVER quantity. Don't believe me- book a call; I'm happy to chat for 20 minutes free of charge. 

Strengthening Your Business Against Rising Prices with a Powerful Brand and Social Media Presence

Small businesses are often vulnerable to the impact of economic fluctuations. Inflation and rising prices can hurt their bottom line and threaten their existence. However, with a strong brand and social media presence, they can build resilience and weather the storm. This article explores how a powerful brand identity and a solid online presence can give small businesses a competitive advantage in today's market. Read on to learn more.

Understand The Impact of Rising Prices On Small Businesses

Rising prices and inflation often hit small businesses the hardest. While large corporations have the financial resources to weather these economic uncertainties, small businesses must be creative and strategic to stay afloat. More than any other business, small business owners must understand the impact of rising prices on their business and prepare accordingly.

Rising prices for essentials, groceries, fuel, and medicine will decrease non-essential consumer behavior. Consumers may be less likely to purchase products or services from small businesses when prices increase. This can lead to reduced revenue and a struggle to stay afloat. Small businesses with a strong brand and loyal customer base may be better positioned to weather this impact, as customers are likelier to stick with a brand they trust and are connected to.

A strong brand and customer loyalty can give small businesses a competitive advantage, as customers may be willing to pay higher prices for products or services they trust.

Small businesses should consider investing in their branding and online presence to prepare for rising prices and inflation. Building a solid brand identity and voice can help establish a small business as a trusted and reliable option for consumers, even in uncertain economic times. Leveraging social media platforms to build brand awareness and engage with customers can also increase customer loyalty and retention.

A solid online presence is crucial in today's market, as more and more consumers turn to the internet and social media specifically to research and purchase products and services. Small businesses can optimize their online visibility and reputation through strategies such as SEO, content marketing, and online advertising. Small businesses can increase their online influence and market positioning when prioritizing their digital marketing efforts, making them better equipped to withstand the impact of rising prices and inflation.

Leveraging social media to build brand awareness and customer loyalty

Small businesses with a strong brand and social media presence are well-poised to weather the impact of rising prices and inflation. Social media helps businesses stay connected with customers and effectively builds brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Social media creates a community around a brand, increasing engagement and interaction between customers and the business. This increased interaction can lead to higher customer retention rates and repeat business. Customer retention is one of the most important parts of marketing, but social media is also an effective tool for attracting new customers.

When you begin leveraging social media for a small business, it's important to determine which platforms are most relevant to the target audience. For example, if the target demographic primarily comprises millennials, Instagram may be a more effective platform than Facebook. If Gen Z is the target demographic, TikTok will be a more effective platform. 

Once the appropriate platforms have been identified, creating a consistent brand identity and voice across all channels is essential. This consistency helps to increase brand awareness and build a strong brand image in the minds of consumers.

Social media can also promote special deals or discounts to followers, increasing customer engagement and loyalty. Additionally, social media offers valuable insights into consumer behavior and market trends, which can inform a business' overall strategy and lead to a competitive advantage in the market.

Businesses can use various social media marketing and online advertising strategies to optimize a small business's online presence and increase its social media influence. Content marketing, for example, can create engaging and informative storytelling content that resonates with the target audience, thereby increasing brand visibility and authority.

Furthermore, small businesses can optimize their online visibility and reputation through search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and positive online reviews. Improving Google rankings and enhancing the business's online reputation can increase online influence and market positioning.

Small businesses with a strong brand and social media presence may be better positioned to weather the impact of rising prices and inflation. Because leveraging social media can help build brand awareness, customer loyalty, and online influence. By strategically utilizing online marketing and advertising strategies, small businesses can create a competitive advantage and strengthen their overall business strategy.

Why a solid digital presence is crucial in today's market

In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is no longer an option but a necessity for small businesses to thrive. With the ever-increasing inflation and rising prices, having a solid digital marketing strategy can help you maintain a competitive edge and weather any economic downturns that may come your way. Here are some reasons why a solid digital presence is crucial in today's market:

  1. Increased online visibility: A strong digital presence can help your business be more visible to potential customers. Enhancing your website's SEO can improve your rankings in search engine results pages, making it easier for customers to find you when they're looking for your products or services.

  2. Improved customer engagement: A strong digital presence allows you to engage with your customers in real-time through social media platforms, email marketing, and other digital channels. Building a customer-centric online environment can foster a stronger sense of connection with your target audience and build a community around your brand.

  3. Better customer retention: In today's market, customers have many choices regarding products and services. With a strong digital presence, you can create a differentiated brand identity that sets you apart from your competitors and incentivizes customers to stay loyal to your business.

  4. Increased brand awareness: By leveraging social media and content marketing, you can build brand awareness and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry. A strong digital presence can also help you reach a wider audience and expand your customer base.

  5. Competitive advantage: With a solid digital presence, you can gain a competitive advantage by staying up-to-date with the latest market trends and leveraging new technologies to enhance your business operations. You can stay ahead of the curve by continuously optimizing your online presence and outpacing your competitors.

Small businesses should create an integrated digital marketing strategy incorporating SEO, social media marketing, online reputation management, and content marketing to establish a solid digital presence. By leveraging the power of these digital channels, you can strengthen your brand identity and create a loyal customer base that can withstand any economic challenges that come your way.

Strategies for optimizing your online visibility and reputation

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for small businesses to compete and survive in the market. With rising prices and inflation affecting consumer behavior and market trends, businesses with a solid digital presence may have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining customers. Here are some strategies for optimizing your online visibility and reputation:

  1. Invest in SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website's ranking on search engines like Google. By optimizing your website's content and structure, you can improve its relevance and authority and increase your chances of appearing higher in search results. This can lead to more organic traffic, better customer engagement, and higher conversion rates.

  2. Focus on content marketing: Creating high-quality and relevant content is crucial in establishing your brand identity and voice online. By consistently sharing valuable and informative content is a way of storytelling that can build trust and loyalty with your audience and attract new customers to your website. Also helping improve your SEO rankings and online reputation.

  3. Leverage social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram and TikTok can be powerful tools for building brand awareness and engaging with customers. By sharing content, responding to comments and messages, and running targeted ads, you can reach a wider audience and build a community of loyal followers. This can also help improve your SEO rankings and online reputation.

  4. Monitor and manage your online reputation: With the widespread use of online reviews and ratings, it's essential to monitor and manage your brand's reputation online. Responding to positive and negative reviews and comments professionally and on time can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and mitigate any damage to your reputation.

  5. Track and analyze your online metrics: To optimize your online presence, it's essential to track and analyze your website's traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. This can help you identify areas for improvement, adjust your marketing strategy, and measure the impact of your online efforts.

By implementing these strategies and continuously refining your online presence, you can strengthen your brand and position your business for long-term success in the face of rising prices and economic uncertainty.

Schedule a Discovery Call with Maven and Muse Media to Discuss Your Social Media and Digital Marketing Needs

A strong brand and social media presence can help businesses stay afloat and thrive in a world where prices constantly rise. By investing in these areas, businesses can attract and retain customers, build trust and loyalty, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Whether you're just starting or looking to strengthen your existing brand, Maven and Muse Media can help. Book a discovery call with Maven and Muse Media to discuss your social media and digital marketing needs and take your business to the next level.

Why Going Viral Won't Save Your Business: The Truth About Money and Sales

As a business owner, you've probably heard the phrase "going viral" thrown around as the ultimate solution to your financial woes. However, the truth is that more than just viral social success is needed to build a sustainable business model. In this post, we will uncover the realities of viral success and discuss alternative strategies to achieve financial growth and success for your business. Keep reading to learn more.

Why going viral isn't the solution to your money problems

Going viral has become a buzzword in the digital marketing world as businesses strive to create content that will explode across social media platforms and bring in hordes of customers. However, the truth is that going viral is not a silver bullet solution to money and sales problems.

Here are some reasons why:

  • The hype around viral success: While it's true that viral content can bring in a lot of attention, it's important to remember that not all viral content is created equal. A viral video may get millions of views, but that doesn't necessarily mean those views translate into sales. Additionally, there's often a bit of luck involved in going viral - it's hard to predict precisely what content will resonate with audiences and cause them to share your content.

  • The limitations of a viral strategy for small businesses: Going viral is often associated with large corporations with big budgets and many resources. For a small business with limited resources, it can be challenging to create content that will have the same impact as a viral video or social media post made by a major brand.

  • Real marketing happens directly after the viral: Even if your content goes viral, that's just the start of the marketing process. After the initial burst of attention, it's up to you to turn those views into conversions of actual sales. This means having a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes targeted lead generation, conversion optimization, and customer retention strategies.

So what should small businesses do instead of relying on going viral? The answer is to build a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to your business and target audience. This strategy should include a mix of organic traffic and paid advertising, as well as tactics to improve customer engagement, lead generation, and conversion rate.

Here are some specific tactics to consider:

  • Conducting thorough keyword research to identify high-value search terms that can drive organic traffic to your website.

  • Optimizing your website for search engine algorithms to improve your online presence and search rankings.

  • Develop targeted marketing campaigns to attract and retain your ideal target audience.

  • Building a solid brand identity that inspires brand loyalty and repeat business.

  • Incorporating inbound and outbound marketing tactics to reach your audience at every marketing funnel stage.

  • Leveraging the power of influencer marketing to connect with new audiences and build your brand's credibility.

Going viral may be a lofty goal, but there are other ways to succeed in digital marketing. Small businesses can achieve real, sustainable growth and financial success by focusing on a comprehensive strategy that maximizes ROI through targeted lead generation and conversion tactics and building brand loyalty through customer acquisition and retention strategies.

The hype around viral success: separating fact from fiction

In the world of digital marketing, the term "viral" has taken on a life of its own. Companies dream of creating the next viral video, meme, or hashtag to make their brand an overnight success. But the truth is, there are better solutions to your business's money and sales problems than going viral.

There's no denying the power of viral marketing. When a piece of content is widely shared, it can reach a massive audience and generate a significant amount of buzz. And while it's true that going viral can increase brand awareness, it's not a guaranteed recipe for success.

Going viral is tough. There's no formula for creating a viral piece of content, and even the most skilled marketers can't predict what will go viral and what won't. Have you ever felt that a piece of content you worked very hard on for a long time was going to be THE thing that goes viral, and instead, it flops?

The algorithm behind social media trends constantly evolves, making it harder to know what content will resonate with users.

Even if you strike viral gold, the effects are often short-lived. Yes, you may see sudden traffic to your website, but that doesn't necessarily translate into sales. And once the buzz dies down, you're back to square one.

I don't want to say viral marketing isn't something. Creating shareable content is going to help boost brand awareness and engage your target audience. But this also is not a magic bullet for solving your business's money and sales problems.

Instead, the marketing focus must be creating a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Creating a strategy means understanding your target audience and communication, developing a brand identity, conducting keyword research, and optimizing your website to improve your search engine ranking.

It also means investing in both organic and paid advertising to drive traffic to your website. Organic traffic is free and generated by search engine algorithms, while paid advertising is targeted and requires a financial investment. A well-put-together digital marketing strategy will balance both to generate the best ROI.

Ultimately, lead generation and conversion tactics are the key to any marketing success. You want to attract qualified leads to your website, engage them with your content, and persuade them to become paying customers. Conversion requires a deep understanding of your target audience and how exactly to connect with them.

While going viral may seem like the holy grail of digital marketing, there are more guaranteed solutions to your business's money and sales problems. Instead, focus on developing and executing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that incorporates a range of tactics, including viral organic marketing, to maximize your ROI and achieve long-term success.

The limitations of a viral strategy for small businesses

As tempting as it may be to aim for viral success as a small business owner, it's important to consider the limitations of this strategy. While going viral can provide a temporary surge in brand awareness and website traffic, there are more sustainable solutions for increasing sales and revenue.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Lack of control over virality: Most viral content is created organically, meaning it spreads by word of mouth or through social media shares. Small businesses need more control over when and how their content goes viral, making it difficult to plan and execute a successful viral marketing campaign.

  2. Limited impact on sales: Even if your content goes viral, there's no guarantee that your website visitors will convert into paying customers. In my experience, most people who visit your website as a result of viral content are simply curious or interested in sharing the content with their friends rather than being genuinely interested in your product or service.

  3. Short-lived success: Viral content tends to have a short lifespan, meaning that the surge in traffic and brand awareness is often short-lived. With a solid plan to capitalize on the momentum, small businesses can retain the attention of their newfound audience as quickly as they gain it.

While viral marketing can be effective for large corporations with established brands and massive marketing budgets, small businesses are generally better off focusing on more sustainable, long-term marketing strategies that can drive consistent traffic, leads, and sales.

Some effective alternatives to a viral strategy include:

  • Investing in targeted paid advertising to reach your ideal customers

  • Creating high-quality content that speaks directly to your target audience's needs and interests

  • Optimizing your website and content for search engines to drive organic traffic

  • Building a solid social media presence to engage with your audience and build brand loyalty

  • Implementing a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that guides leads through the marketing funnel to conversion

  • Partnering with influencers or industry leaders in your niche to increase brand awareness and credibility

By focusing on these digital marketing tactics, small businesses can slowly and steadily build a loyal customer base and drive sustainable growth over time. While going viral may seem like a quick fix, the reality is that it's often a flash in the pan that won't provide lasting results.

The actual marketing happens directly after the viral

It's easy to become enamored with the idea of going viral. After all, the prospect of millions of views, likes, and shares feels like the ultimate achievement for any small business looking to build brand awareness and connect with potential customers. However, the reality is that going viral often provides minimal benefit for your bottom line.

The truth is that going viral is often little more than a flash in the pan. All too often, businesses invest significant time and resources into a viral campaign that generates short-term buzz but ultimately fails to drive meaningful sales or conversions. Worse, many businesses misinterpret viral success as proof of a successful marketing strategy, leading them to rely too heavily on the fleeting benefits of internet fame.

Instead of focusing on going viral, strategic businesses focus on what comes next. While a viral campaign may generate initial interest in your brand, it's what happens after the fact that truly counts. 

By prioritizing customer/community engagement and lead generation, businesses can build a loyal and dedicated following to sustain long-term growth and success. This means investing in organic traffic through SEO-optimized website content, targeted outreach to specific audiences on social media, and paid advertising designed to reach your target audience where they are.

The key to maximizing the Return On Investment of your time creating the content is to focus less on going viral and more on building a comprehensive marketing strategy that is strong in customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction. By focusing on these core goals, businesses can build the strong, engaged customer base that is essential for long-term growth and success in today's digital marketplace.

The mystifying thing in my experience is when a business goes viral and gains more followers, it also gains some social street-level credibility. The number you have in your community following is the world we live in now. I would advise using this to your advantage when reaching out to wholesalers, editors, or any other type of project you want to do now that you have this vanity number that may have excluded you from a deal before. 

Can you go viral again with content you want your followers to see?

In my experience, an initial viral has happened because of following a trend. Most of the time, the viral is not because the business is actually showcasing what it is truly about; it is instead riding a wave of trending audio or templates. But you can go viral again with the content of what your business is known for. When you begin consistently posting content RELATED to your business, you can go viral again and see increased engagement. However, as I have repeatedly stated in this article, in my experience going viral does not make you more money; you still need to sell your products and services In Real Life (IRL).

Building brand loyalty through customer acquisition and retention strategies

When running a successful business, building brand loyalty is key to maintaining a steady flow of revenue and ensuring repeat customers. While going viral may bring in a surge of new customers, it is the strategies implemented after the initial buzz that truly make a lasting impact.

Here are some effective strategies for building brand loyalty through customer acquisition and retention:

  1. Customer Engagement: Customer engagement through surveys, feedback forms, and short-form social content filled with valuable insights into their preferences and desires. By showing that their opinions matter and your process (not the secret stuff ), customers are more likely to feel valued and return to your business in the future.

  2. Targeted Marketing: Targeting specific customer segments through digital marketing campaigns can help increase conversion rates for both new and returning customers. Understanding the interests and behaviors of your target audience allows for more effective marketing, leading to increased customer loyalty.

  3. Personalization: Personalizing the customer experience through emails, promotions, and other marketing efforts can make customers feel appreciated and understood by your business. This personal touch can go a long way in fostering long-term customer loyalty.

  4. Exceptional Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service not only resolves any issues or concerns immediately but also helps build trust and credibility with customers. This personal touch can lead to customers choosing your business over competitors, creating more brand loyalty.

  5. Loyalty Programs: Offering rewards and incentives for repeat customers can encourage them to continue choosing your business over competitors. Rewards can include discounts, free merchandise, or exclusive access to events or promotions.

Building brand loyalty takes time, effort, and dedication. But when you implement these strategies, businesses can maximize their ROI, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately create a more prosperous and sustainable business. Going viral may bring temporary success, but building brand loyalty is the key to long-term success and growth.

Why You Should Reach Out to Maven and Muse Media for Your Social Media Strategy

The truth is going viral may seem like a quick fix to increase sales and revenue, but there are more sustainable strategies for the long-term success of your business. The truth is that building a strong foundation based on solid financial practices and a focus on generating consistent sales is what will truly make your business thrive. For expert assistance with your social media strategy and more, contact Maven and Muse Media.