Digital Marketing

Marketing Lessons from 90s Country Songs: Crafting Compelling Campaigns with Heartfelt Storytelling

You start scrolling your way, I start scrolling mine, and we meet in the middle. 

I have a secret: on days when inspiration and words aren't flowing, I turn on a 90s Country playlist.

Why 90's Country, you ask—well, it's because marketing is all about feelings and storytelling.

And no one does feelings, feelings, and storytelling better than 90's country songs.

The future of marketing is getting back to relating to someone's heart. The content that is performing well right now as I write this is uncurated and real.


Because it's relatable and attainable- it speaks to someone's heart and creates a feeling.

Together, let's analyze 90s country songs that can offer insights into various aspects of marketing, including messaging, branding, storytelling, and emotional appeal. Here are some lessons we can learn.

  1. Emotional Connection: 90s country songs often emphasize storytelling and evoke strong emotions. Similarly, effective marketing campaigns should aim to create emotional connections with the audience, whether it's through nostalgia, empathy, or shared values.

  2. Authenticity: Many 90s country songs portray authentic, relatable everyday life experiences. Authenticity in marketing builds trust and credibility with consumers. Brands that convey honesty and sincerity in their messaging are more likely to resonate with their target audience.

  3. Know Your Audience: Country music artists understood their audience well and crafted songs that spoke directly to their experiences and values. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns are tailored to resonate with specific target demographics, understanding their needs, preferences, and cultural context.

  4. Brand Storytelling: Country songs are often rich in storytelling, painting vivid pictures of characters and situations. Effective marketing campaigns use storytelling to engage and captivate audiences, creating memorable brand narratives that consumers can connect with on a deeper level.

  5. Simplicity and Clarity: Many 90s country songs convey their message with simple, straightforward lyrics that are easy to understand. In marketing, clear and concise messaging is key to effectively communicating a product's or service's benefits to consumers.

  6. Universal Themes: Despite focusing on specific themes like love, heartbreak, and small-town life, 90s country songs often address universal human experiences. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns usually tap into universal themes and emotions that resonate across diverse audiences. The great philosopher Alison Krauss says best: "Old Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine."

  7. Consistency: Country music artists often maintained a consistent image and sound throughout their careers, building a loyal fan base over time. Similarly, brands benefit from consistency in their messaging, visual identity, and customer experience, which helps to reinforce brand recognition and loyalty.

  8. Adaptability: While rooted in tradition, country music evolved to stay relevant to changing audience tastes and cultural trends. Similarly, successful marketing strategies must adapt to new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market dynamics to effectively reach and engage target audiences. The times are changing in marketing. Gone are the days of the overly masculine "Buy this, it will change your life," and entering is the softness of the feminine and speaking to the heart. 

If you're feeling stuck, search for a 90s country playlist. Listen to a few songs and pay attention to the themes, stories, and strategies in the songs. Can you see what they are describing in your mind's eye while dancing around your kitchen? Try these valuable insights to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with consumers and drive meaningful connections with their brands. Like a timeless country ballad, the best marketing campaigns can touch hearts and stand the test of time.

And if you're still stuck, it's time for us to meet up. 

Ain't no scroll to a long- cause we meet in the middle. 

Exploring the Parallel Realities of "The Truman Show" and Social Media

I had a thought recently about the 1998 movie The Truman Show and its parallel to the 2010 released Instagram app. I don’t know where these thoughts come from, but sometimes I gotta go with them. 🤗

For some reason, the image of the people in the bar scene watching the Truman Show live reminded me of Instagram's magnifying glass search feature, and how sometimes we can get peeks into random lives of people, we aren't following when they show up on our search feed.

Let’s get into how parallel The Truman Show and Social Media are.

In a world where we are simultaneously straddling reality and virtual reality, it's fascinating to observe how certain aspects of our virtual existence mirror the themes explored in classic cinema. One such fascinating parallel exists between the world of social media and the iconic film, "The Truman Show." Released in 1998 and directed by Peter Weir, "The Truman Show" starred Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, a man unaware that his entire life is a meticulously crafted reality TV show. Surprisingly, this narrative resembles the curated realities often portrayed on social media 26 years later.


In "The Truman Show" and Social Media, the prevalent theme is portraying an idealized reality. Truman's life is meticulously orchestrated to present an idyllic suburban existence, complete with a loving wife, friendly neighbors, and a picturesque town; similarly, on Social Media, like it or not, users meticulously curate their feeds to showcase only the most flattering aspects of their lives - exotic vacations, gourmet meals, and glamorous events. Behind the scenes, however, both Truman and Social Media users may grapple with insecurities, loneliness, or dissatisfaction hidden beneath the veneer of perfection.

The parallels between social media and "The Truman Show" remind us of the complexities inherent in our digitally mediated lives. While both offer glimpses into alternate realities, they also underscore the importance of questioning the narratives we encounter and striving for genuine connection amidst the curated facade.

As we navigate these dual realities, we face the challenge of staying true to ourselves in a world where deception can often overshadow authenticity.

Every upload, story, and comment becomes a part of your digital presence, not only shaping how others perceive you but also how you perceive and love yourself.

Just like Truman, who was unaware of the cameras capturing his every move, social media users often forget the extent of their online visibility. When you post to social YOU are aware that others can see the content you are putting out there. The allure of likes, comments, and followers from a post can create a sense of validation, mirroring Truman's need for approval in his constructed world.

If you made it this far, I want to remind you that your worth as a human or a business is not defined by the number of likes, comments, or followers you have.

Remember that this is a virtual landscape and that your online presence should reflect your offline self. The quest for social validation and cultivating your online identity are journeys filled with twists and turns, challenges and triumphs, much like REAL LIFE.

Much like Truman's quest for truth in a world built on lies, your journey in the digital sphere is a quest for authenticity in a deception-dominated realm.

Consumers and scrollers are screaming for more real and relatable content. The overly branded and curated feed is on its way out; real connection and storytelling are the future of digital marketing.

How are you embracing the future?

If you need help navigating this for your business let’s chat.

Unmasking the Social Media Facade: The Importance of Being Genuine and Integrity in Business

Social media has given rise to a culture of carefully crafted online personas. So much so that I feel sometimes scrollers forget that the content they consume is mainly made by just another human being, not an actor or actress. However, many individuals and businesses have created almost a "character" who presents a "perfect" image on social media, often at the expense of their authenticity and integrity. An example is the last week of December 2023, when one of the biggest YouTubers who quit YouTube a few years ago announced they were quitting all social media

But the truth is, people can see through the facade of social media. They are seeking to do business with individuals of integrity and authenticity. Consumers want to interact and engage with genuine businesses that prioritize honesty and transparency.

With the constant stream of people curating their lives on social media, it is increasingly difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves from the crowd.

Among other things, in 2024, presenting a polished and curated image online is on its way out.

People want to know they are doing business with a real person, not just a faceless company. They want to know that the person behind the business is honest, trustworthy, and genuine. They can tell that by deciphering the intention of your digital communications. Whether you know it or not, your intention shows in everything you email, post, and photograph. 

The days of the gimmicky and limited-time FOMO sales pitches are slowly expiring. Hustle culture and consumers are turning into something else.

The Power of Genuineness in Building Customer Relationships

I don't know about you, but the ever-increasing competition has made it challenging for brands to stand out. Your post is competing for attention from some of the top dog influencers; after all, because of this, many businesses resort to artificial tactics to grab people's attention, a.k .a. replicating anything that has gone viral. 

Because of this phenomenon, what has been so interesting to me is that Instagram and other social channels have gotten so great at socially programming users to refrain from posting due to low reach. Because less reach means less engagement, it means fewer people wanting to share their content, leading people to NOT engage with other people's content out of spite. Do you see how this is backward and will not bring any awareness to your brand, business, or whatever? 

To be genuine in your online presence and personal brand, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Know Yourself: Before presenting yourself as genuinely as possible, you must know who you are. What values are important to you? What makes you unique? When you have a clear understanding of yourself, it becomes easier to create content that is authentic and reflects your true self. This is the hardest step because it asks you to get to know yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

  2. Be Consistent: Consistency is vital in building your online presence and personal brand. Consistency in your messaging and communications makes it easier for your followers to connect with you and build a relationship with your brand or business. Ensure your content reflects your brand's values and messaging and remains consistent across all platforms.

  3. Share Your Story: Storytelling is a powerful way to build authentic connections with your followers. Share your story, your journey, and your experiences. When you are transparent about your journey, your followers will feel part of it, creating a sense of connection and loyalty to your brand.

  4. Engage with Your Followers: Engaging with your followers is another way to build an authentic online presence. Respond to comments, actively participate in conversations, and show appreciation for your followers by sharing their content or giving shoutouts to loyal followers. Building relationships through online engagement is essential to build an authentic and loyal fan base.

  5. Be True to Yourself: Lastly, be true to yourself when building your online presence and personal brand. Don't try to be someone you're not or create a false persona to attract a larger audience. Authenticity is what sets you apart from your competition, and it's what your followers are seeking.

Once you know yourself, understand the intention of putting your digital marketing out into the ether, be consistent, share your story, engage with your followers, and remain true to yourself, you can create a genuine online presence and personal brand that stands out and builds authentic connections with your followers.

We're all getting better at seeing posts and people for what and who they are, aren't we?

Join the Maven Movement: Subscribe to Our Weekly Email

Being genuine and transparent with your audience can build a loyal following and establish your brand as a trustworthy authority in your industry. Remember, your intention in posting is the best policy moving forward as you create content this year. Subscribe to the weekly Maven Movement email for more tips and insights on succeeding in your business.

The Evolution of Social Media Perception and Its Impact on Digital Marketing

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has transformed how we interact and communicate online, but how does this affect our perception of social media? This post analyzes the historical context of social media perception. It delves into current trends, online reputation management, and what consumers are asking for in 2024. Keep reading to learn more about the role of social media perception in digital marketing and how it impacts our online presence.

The Historical Context of Social Media Perception

Social media platforms have come a long way since the early days of MySpace and Friendster, and so has the public perception of these platforms. I am one of the elder millennials of a time when Facebook was strictly for college-to-college communication. You remember the early days when social media was widely seen as a way for young people to connect with friends. However, as social media usage became more widespread, people began to see it as a way to stay informed, share opinions, and engage more deeply with the world around them.

Over time, social media has become more than just a way to keep in touch with friends and family. It has become an integral tool for businesses and individuals looking to build their online presence and improve their reputation and brand image. As of this writing, social media is used by over three billion people worldwide, making it one of the most powerful communication tools in history.

Despite its rapid growth, social media has had to overcome many challenges related to online reputation management and user trust. One of the most significant issues social media platforms face has been the spread of fake news and disinformation. We are currently living in an information war and the spread of disinformation has led to concerns about the impact of social media on democracy, social cohesion, and even national security.

As a result, the public perception of social media in the past three years has fluctuated. However, even with all of this in mind, social media platforms are here to stay and will continue to play a significant role in how we communicate, engage, and conduct business online.

Here are some key points to consider when looking at the historical context of social media:

  1. MySpace and Friendster were the first social media platforms to gain widespread popularity.

  2. Facebook revolutionized social media first by allowing college students and, eventually, public users to share more personal information and connect with people beyond their immediate social circles.

  3. Twitter popularized the concept of microblogging, allowing users to share short, concise messages with a global audience.

  4. Instagram and Snapchat redefined social media by focusing on visual storytelling and fleeting content.

Understanding this evolution of social media is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to build their online presence and improve their reputation and brand visibility. By staying current with the latest trends in social media usage and user behavior, you can develop a more effective social media marketing strategy and engage more effectively with your target audience. Which leads me too…

Current Trends in Social Media Usage and Their Impact on Perception

Today's social media usage trends have drastically changed from how they were perceived during their inception. In this section, we will explore the different trends in social media usage and how they impact the perception of social media.

One of the biggest trends in social media usage, specifically in the past 3 years, is the shift towards visual content. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are visual-based platforms that have become increasingly popular. Users prefer to consume short-form video content and infographics instead of reading lengthy text posts (Shoutout to those still here reading my voice). This trend towards visual content has impacted the perception of social media as it creates more opportunities for engagement; even though people are not engaging with said visual content, ironically, users are more likely to share visual content, resulting in increased brand visibility.

Another trend in social media usage is the shift towards authentic and relatable content. I have been advocating hard for this in 2023 and will continue to do so in 2024. Consumers and users are now more interested in accurate and honest content rather than polished and staged images. In response to this trend, brands are creating more humanized and relatable, aka user-generated content that resonates better with their target audience.

An essential factor in social media perception that is overlooked because of trends but so incredibly important is online reputation management. Social media platforms allow users to share opinions and experiences online. Negative comments and reviews can ruin a brand's image, resulting in a loss of trust and, ultimately, a decline in sales. Online reputation management strategies focus on monitoring and managing a brand's online presence and overall perception.

The shift towards visual and authentic content has created more opportunities for engagement and increased brand visibility. If you are reading this and scrolling without engaging, consider this an invitation to begin engaging. Effective online reputation management strategies have become crucial for maintaining a positive brand image and trust within the online community. Understanding these trends is vital for businesses to build an effective social media strategy and achieve their digital marketing goals.

Analyzing Online Reputation and Brand Visibility

Maintaining a positive online presence has become crucial in the social media era. People judge a brand or a person by their social media profiles. I would bet that when you hear about a new place, experience, or whatever, one of the first things that you do is Google the place BUT also search for it on social media. You are not the only one, and because of this, your online reputation can influence how people perceive your brand and digital marketing strategies. To effectively utilize social media, you must regularly analyze your online reputation and brand visibility.

Here are some key factors to consider when analyzing your online reputation and brand visibility:

  1. Monitor Mentions: Keep an eye on all mentions of your brand on social media. Responding to both positive and negative feedback can have a significant impact on your brand's reputation. According to research, brands responding to more than 70% of customer complaints have a higher chance of retaining customers.

  2. Analyze Social Media Metrics: Social media metrics can provide valuable insights into your brand's social media performance. Analysis of the metrics can help you understand your brand's reach, engagement rates, and even brand sentiment.

  3. Regularly Audit Your Social Media Profiles: Conduct a thorough audit of your social media profiles to ensure that all the information presented online is correct and reflects your brand's overall message.

  4. Stay Consistent: Maintaining consistency across all social media platforms can help build a strong brand image. A consistent visual and verbal message will create a more positive perception of your brand in the minds of your audience.

Engaging with your audience on social media is one of the only ways to organically build your brand reputation online, and it's also essential to your overall digital marketing strategy. Managing your online reputation effectively will improve your brand's perception and increase brand visibility. A positive online identity can result in more engagement, higher web traffic, and increased revenue. If your business does not have a Google business page 2024 is the year to get this up and running.

Managing Perception through Social Media Strategy

With more than half of the world's population using social networks, businesses must understand how people perceive social media and leverage their presence on these platforms to improve their brand image and online reputation.

Social media perception plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and directly impacts digital marketing efforts. Therefore, it's essential to develop a social media strategy that manages perception and ensures that your brand visibility is positive and engaging to your target audience.

Responding quickly and professionally is important when you find negative comments or feedback. This level of engagement shows your audience that you care about your online reputation and take constructive criticism seriously. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to turn a negative perception into a positive one.

Along with monitoring comments, another way to reinforce your brand visibility is by consistently posting content relevant to your industry. Posting engaging content such as blog posts, videos, and social media updates increases your brand awareness. It reinforces your position as an industry leader. This valuable content helps build trust with your target audience and encourages them to engage with your brand.

When done right, social media strategy can significantly impact a company's online image and trustworthiness. By creating valuable and relevant content and actively engaging with your followers, you can build a positive perception of your brand and establish yourself as a reputable business, a crucial aspect of effective digital marketing.

This overlooked aspect of marketing the managing perception through social media strategy requires consistent monitoring, engagement, and relevant content creation. By following these essential steps, businesses can build a positive perception of their brand, reinforce their online reputation, and increase their online trust.

Looking into 2024 Social Media Perception

Here are some of my social media marketing predictions to watch out for in 2024:

  1. Increased focus on authenticity: Consumers are becoming more aware of fake news, sponsored content, and other tactics used to manipulate perception. As a result, brands that prioritize transparency, honesty, and genuine communication will be more likely to build trust and loyalty.

  2. Personalization and privacy concerns: Users are becoming more protective of their personal data and expect brands to respect their privacy. However, they also crave personalized experiences catering to their needs and interests. Companies that find the right balance between personalization and privacy will be ahead of the game.

  3. New platforms and technologies: While social media giants like Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram remain popular, new platforms and technologies are constantly emerging. From TikTok to VR and AR, businesses must stay up-to-date on the latest trends and adapt their strategies accordingly. This doesn’t mean that you need to ditch the big platforms to be present on every single platform because who has the time for that, but it does mean you need to understand what exists.

  4. Social media and social issues: As societal topics such as diversity, inclusion, and sustainability take center stage, consumers are looking to brands to take a stance and make a meaningful impact. I recently guest-posted on a colleague's blog about this very topic; you do not need to take a stand on EVERY social issue. Business Activism, Brand Identity, and Social Media need to be balanced.

  5. Rising importance of influencers: Influencer marketing is already a significant force in social media, and it will only get bigger. As traditional advertising becomes less effective, brands increasingly turn to influencers to promote their products and services. The user-generated content is what is currently getting clicks and conversions. However, my professional advice is to choose the right influencers to align with your brand and messaging. Research and interview them before any contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered.

By keeping these trends in mind and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can stay ahead of the curve regarding social media perception and digital marketing. As always, I am here for you- let’s schedule a call and get clear on your social strategy in 2024.

Engaging Swifties: Harnessing the Power of User Generated Content for Marketing

From a Vlogger Songwriter- to a Global Pop Icon, the rise of Taylor Swift is an awe-inspiring story. But who I am more enchanted with right now is the one driving force behind her continuous success- her devoted fanbase - the Swifties.

So how does user-generated content from Swifties help Taylor Swift's marketing plans? Uncover the answers and learn why you can't afford to shake off the power of UGC anymore.  

Exploring the Role of User-Generated Content in Taylor Swift's Marketing Strategies

User-generated content (UGC) plays a pivotal role in Taylor Swift's marketing strategies, acting as a potent force that engages her dedicated fanbase known as "Swifties" and amplifies the reach of her brand. With millions of followers worldwide and across various social media platforms, Swift has successfully leveraged UGC to foster a sense of community among her fans and drive awareness, loyalty, and sales.

First, let’s clarify what User-Generated content is- User-generated content refers to any form of content – including images, videos, reviews, or testimonials – created by fans or consumers rather than directly by the brand. When harnessed effectively and integrated into marketing campaigns, UGC can create a powerful symbiotic relationship between any fans and the brand. The key here is that you do not need to be a celebrity to use this strategy.

One key aspect is understanding the psychology behind why UGC is so influential. People have an innate desire to be seen and heard, to feel like they are part of something greater than themselves. Love her or hate her, Taylor is the GOAT when it comes to Digital Marketing-nails this in the specific details in her storytelling lyrics AND how she moves through the social media hallways. Her lyrics and posts are vulnerable, and whether they are true or not, they are authentic to whatever story she tells.

This is what the halls of social media are craving lately; they want to know how they no longer want to be sold, a quick fix, or solutions they want to be a part of a community. People are craving to be seen and to be heard. This community aspect is currently what’s missing on all social media platforms- and where most business owners’ marketing is falling short.

By encouraging fans to create content related to Taylor Swift - fan art, covers of her songs, outfits inspired by song lyrics or even personal stories about how she has impacted their lives - Taylor taps into this fundamental human need for expression and validation. Meaning to or not, Taylor has created and holds space on social platforms for others to open themselves up to their vulnerability online to show that it’s ok for the next person to be open and discuss and post about their vulnerability.

So as a business owner, what can you learn from this concept of incorporating content from your fan base?

The advantage for business owners to begin enforcing UGC in their marketing strategy lies in the organic nature of user-generated content. This type of content provides an avenue for authentic engagement with consumers while also serving as valuable organic social proof for potential customers considering purchasing their products or services.

Swifties UGC's impact on Taylor's marketing efforts cannot be ignored- the strategies foster authenticity by showcasing real people who genuinely love and engage with her music; it transforms passive consumers into active participants; it builds trust through peer recommendations rather than overt advertising messages; and most importantly for business owners to take notice looking for insights into digital marketing strategies – it generates organic buzz which translates into increased visibility online.

Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Taylor Swift's Branding

Social media has undeniably played a significant role in shaping many artists' branding and marketing strategies, including Taylor Swift. As one of the most successful and influential musicians in recent years, Swift's brand has been carefully crafted to align with her persona and resonate with her audience –The "Swifties." These loyal fans have become integral to her marketing strategy by creating user-generated content (UGC) that promotes her music and strengthens her brand image.

Fans connect through platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Discord and TikTok while celebrating their shared love for all things Taylor- and there are times when Taylor (or her team) has responded and reposted Swifties content. We all know when someone takes the time to respond to a tag/mention or repost on social media, it makes us all feel seen- which keeps people invested and coming back to support you. The beautiful and one of my favorite things about Social Media- is that it allows for direct interaction between artists and fans, creating a sense of community that fosters loyalty and engagement.  (Like everything, there’s a dark side here, too whomp whomp- but today, we are talking about how important building a loyal fan base is to marketing a business.)

The power of social media allows fans around the world and Swiftie's voices to be heard directly by Taylor herself. She regularly interacts with fans through Twitter and Instagram, responding to messages or resharing photos to her stories. She provides personal updates about upcoming projects or events sometimes in “Swiftie” code- this level of accessibility creates an intimate bond between artist/fan relationships contributing positively towards brand affinity. This power dynamic shift from celebrities being very much out-of-reach figures toward one who could interact with you enables more inclusive conversations about identity & relationship dynamics, building a connected community that will help market for you.

 Examining How Effective Engagement and Interaction Have Helped Shape Popularity Among Fans

Effective engagement and interaction with fans in marketing can make or break a brand. One of my favorite brands for customer service is Nordstrom because they have effectively translated their stellar in-store customer service practices to all of their social platforms. The community and connections that “Swifties” share virtually on Discord or through hashtags translates the same in real life. Taylor and her team have mastered this because when you attend a concert, the worldwide commodore that exists virtually is 10x more powerful in person- everyone is kind to one another, there are Swifties of every age, ethnicity, and socio economic background, and whether they know it or not, they each hold space to allow you to be free to express yourself in whatever era of your life.

A translation from digital to in person like this for a brand can only be achieved by actively encouraging UGC through various campaigns such as hashtag challenges or contests, where Swift empowers her fans to become active participants in shaping her brand image. This gives them a sense of ownership and allows for organic promotion as they eagerly share their creations on social media platforms.

The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its ability to create an emotional bond between Taylor Swift's music and the experiences shared by her fans. By engaging directly with them through digital channels, she humanizes herself while simultaneously making each fan feel heard and valued.

Additionally, this form of engagement helps Taylor Swift stay relevant within popular culture conversations. By leveraging and sharing UGC trends created by passionate fans who are deeply invested in promoting their favorite artist's work online – she successfully generates buzz about upcoming releases or events before they even happen! 

The way that Swifties look for hints and clues of future releases and collaborations in songs, videos, and the clothing Taylor wears begins a thread of a conversation online which gets the fan/customer base invested early on, maybe even a project is still only in the idea phase.

From a business perspective looking into utilizing similar strategies for their marketing efforts – it becomes clear just how powerful effective engagement can be when done right- this is the one aspect of social media that most businesses are missing out on today. The connected engagement piece builds trust and commodore.  For example, let’s look at the friendship bracelet trend that has begun at the Eras Tour concerts- like most things Swifties attach themselves to, this trend has its origins in Taylor’s own words, the lyrics of You’re on Your Own, Kid” from Midnights.

Did she know that a lyric would create a trend that brings and sparks conversations between Swifties of all ages together while waiting in her hour long merch line or for her to come on stage? Only her and her team know that one.

 But this is only one example of what the millions of dedicated and engaged community of "Swifties" Taylor Swift has created that supports her and actively promotes her work. When you’re out and about and see people wearing summer camp-looking bracelets, I bet you will now think of Taylor Swift- and you can thank a Swiftie for that brand recognition.

There is no denying that being part of Taylor Swift's fandom offers many benefits, especially when snagging a ticket to one of her concerts.

Become a Taylor Verified Fan on Ticketmaster- before tickets go on sale for the next tour <winky face>

Swifties are known for going above and beyond to support their favorite artist – attending concerts multiple times during one tour cycle or purchasing limited edition merchandise without hesitation. Businesses that align themselves with Taylor Swift's brand can tap into this fervor by offering exclusive collaborations or promotions tailored specifically towards these dedicated consumers.

By encouraging Swifties to generate content related to her music or branded merchandise through contests or challenges on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, Taylor Swift has cultivated immense brand loyalty while also driving sales growth. But the way that she does this isn’t sleazy or desperate because her base has been engaged from the get go because she’s also been engaging with her base! I’ve watched and been a part of plenty of businesses’ attempts to pull this off, and the key to pulling this strategy off effectively is, to BEGIN with an engaged customer base on social.

And the key to building the base is you guessed it- the authentic engagement and social proof of getting your fans to create User Generated Content.

So the next time you struggle with what content to create- look to your tags and mentions. Because good marketing means that others are talking about you for you, and sharing some of their posts, even if they are “off-brand” visually even if it's just a roundup. 

It's time to begin building your following of "Swifties"- what will yours say about you?

Uncovering the Power of Social Media Impressions

Are you one of the many confused by the multitude of analytics displayed on your social media accounts? It's time to truly understand the meaning behind impressions and reach to maximize engagement. Uncover the nuances of impression versus reach and delve into how behavior analytics can help you get the most from your social media.

Impressions vs. Reach

When it comes to social media, there are two terms that often get thrown around: impression and reach. While many people believe these terms mean the same thing, they actually have different meanings.

An impression refers to the number of times your content is displayed on someone's screen. This means that even if a user scrolls past your post without engaging with it, this still counts as an impression. On the other hand, reach refers to the total number of unique accounts who see your content.

So why do these types of analytics matter? Well, they can provide valuable insights into how well your content is performing and how effectively you're reaching your audience. For example, if you notice a high number of impressions but a low engagement rate on a particular post or account overall- this may mean that users are seeing but not interested in what you're posting.

On the flip side, if you have high engagement rates paired with lower impressions- it can indicate strong interest from specific users within certain niches which could lead to exponential growth when explored further!

In summary: Impressions measure just how visible – or present – something was online whereas reach measures its impact by considering only unique views per piece (regardless frequency seen). Understanding both metrics together allows for more comprehensive measurement success across social channels!

Are views the same as impressions?

If you're looking to grow your social media accounts, you've likely come across the terms "views". While they may seem similar to an impression, there is a distinct difference. 

Views refer to the number of times a piece of content has been seen by a viewer. This includes both unique views (when one person watches the entire video or scrolls through all images) and repeat views (when someone comes back to watch again).

Impressions, on the other hand, refer to how many times content has been displayed in a user's feed or timeline - regardless of whether they actually stopped to look at it. For example, if someone scrolls past your post without stopping on it but sees it in their feed three different times throughout the day, that counts as three impressions.

So while views can give you an idea of how many people are engaging with your content directly, impressions tell you more about its visibility. Understanding how to read metrics is key for optimizing your social media strategy and growing your following.

Understanding Behavioral Analytics

To truly understand impressions, one must delve into the world of behavior analytics. Behavior analytics is the study of human behavior using data and statistical methods in order to gain insight into how people interact with technology.

In terms of social media, understanding behavioral patterns can help individuals identify which types of posts are most popular among their followers and adjust their content accordingly. This leads to increased engagement rates and ultimately more impressions.

However, it's not just about likes or views – understanding behaviors also helps individuals track conversion rates from clicks on specific links or call-to-actions (CTAs). For example, if someone posts a link in a social media post promoting a product or service they offer, they can use behavioral analytics tools to see how many people clicked on that link and converted by completing a purchase or filling out a form.

Overall, mastering the art of interpreting behavior data is essential for anyone looking to grow their online presence through improved engagement rates and increased impression counts. By analyzing these metrics regularly and adjusting strategies as necessary based upon those insights gained through this analysis process – creating savvy yet strategic tactics will pave way towards greater success!

Contact Maven and Muse Media

Whether you are a business just getting started growing your social accounts, or need someone to take a look and freshen your social media presence, Maven and Muse Media is here to help. Contact us today! 

Brand Awareness Metrics on Social Media: The Key to Growing Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you know that getting new business is essential for growth and success. In today's digital age, social media can be a game-changer for increasing your visibility and attracting new customers. However, to truly harness the power of social media, you need to track your brand awareness metrics. That's where we come in - at Maven and Muse Media, we specialize in social media management services that can help you grow your business and stand out in your industry.

The importance of brand awareness on social media cannot be overstated. It's not just about having a presence on various platforms - it's about creating meaningful connections with your target audience and establishing your brand as a go-to in your industry. To do this, you need to track your brand awareness metrics to see what's working and what's not.

Key Brand Awareness Metrics

There are several key metrics that you should be tracking to measure your brand awareness on social media. Here are the most important ones:


Reach refers to the number of people who see your content. The more people you reach, the more awareness you'll generate for your brand. To increase your reach, you can try tactics like posting at optimal times, using hashtags, and collaborating with influencers.


Impressions refer to the number of times your content is displayed. Unlike reach, impressions can count multiple views from the same user. It's important to understand the difference between reach and impressions, as both metrics can provide valuable insights into your social media performance.

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate measures the level of interaction that users have with your content. This includes likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement. A high engagement rate indicates that your content is resonating with your audience and can help boost your brand awareness.

Follower Growth

Follower growth refers to the number of new followers you gain over a period of time. This metric is a good indicator of how well your brand is resonating with your target audience. To grow your followers, you can try tactics like running contests, using paid ads, and cross-promoting on other platforms.

Share of Voice

Share of voice measures the percentage of conversations about your brand compared to your competitors. This metric can help you understand how your brand stacks up against others in your industry and identify areas for improvement.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic measures the amount of traffic that comes to your website from social media platforms. By analyzing your referral traffic, you can see which platforms are driving the most traffic and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

Social Media Platform Specific Metrics

Each social media platform has its own set of metrics that you should be tracking. Here are some of the key metrics for the most popular platforms:


  • Page Likes

  • Post Reach

  • Engagement (reactions, comments, shares)


  • Follower count

  • Retweets

  • Mentions


  • Follower count

  • Engagement (likes, comments, saves)

  • Instagram Stories metrics


  • Company followers

  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares)

  • Profile Clicks

Utilizing Analytics Tools

There are several social media analytics tools that you can use to track your brand awareness metrics. Some examples include native platform analytics, Google Analytics, and third-party tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social. It's important to use these tools consistently and analyze the data to see what's working and what's not.

Setting Goals and Creating a Strategy

To truly harness the power of social media, you need to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for building your brand awareness. This could include goals like increasing your reach by a certain percentage or growing your followers by a specific number. Once you have your goals in place, you can develop a content strategy that supports them.

Contact Maven and Muse Media

Tracking your brand awareness metrics on social media is essential for growing your small business and standing out in your industry. 

At Maven and Muse Media, we provide social media management services to help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level. Focusing on key metrics and utilizing analytics tools can create a social media strategy that drives results and generates buzz for your brand. Contact us today or sign up for our newsletter to learn more! 

There Isn't A One Size Fits All Social Media Strategy

I’ve been doing a lot of teaching lately, and a question that gets asked me in many different ways is, “How often do I need to post to be effective at this whole social media marketing thing?”  And unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size fits all strategy for each business.  There isn’t a plug-and-play method that is effective because what worlds for one business most likely won’t work for another business because the community of the account is different.  But here are a few things I do share that I consider the bare minimum part of a social media marketing strategy; posting three times a week to your feed is the bare minimum checking in with your community on stories once a day a few times a week, I would encourage you to daily check in but know that this isn’t always feasible for business owners. When you are sharing a post to your feed a quick and easy way to share your story is to send the post to your story via the paper airplane at the bottom of the post. 

A few ideas for your story are anything behind the scenes, packing orders, setting up for an event, unboxing new merchandise, and asking your community questions. 

I also advise and use as part of my stories strategies with clients using the stories for market research. If you are trying to decide between an offering, packaging, or anything like that, ask your community. Humans are very good at giving their opinions and usually always seek opportunities to give them. 

I have tried to offer “one size fits all” social media templates, which fall flat because the voice is lost. When ’ is lost. When the post templates are done for everyone, they don’t feel like they need to contribute to the post, and the connection to the community isn’t there.  It all comes down to the intention of putting up the post in the first place. If you don’t know the intention behind sharing the post, your audience won’t know what to do with it. When you are posting to post because an expert told you that for social media success, you should be posting seven times a week between these times, and then you need to throw in a 6.2-second reel, not a 6.5-second but specifically a 6.2-second reel with trending audio that has less than 900 videos attached to them every other day.  How exhausting! 

Ok, there are many things wrong with this approach; first of all, the definition of “success” qualifies as a successful post to one business owner but most likely isn’t the same as “success” to another business owner.  You don’t know what the account owner's definition of success means. 

Consider this next part your hall pass/permission slip from a social media expert to do whatever the fuck you want on your social media feed. The rules for marketing your business is there are no rules.  Only want to connect with your community once a week or whenever it feels authentic to you to connect with them when you have something to say. Do that.  

You love making short-form videos and want to do that daily with voiceovers instead of trending audio great; you do you.

Here’s the thing, if you’re reading this, the chances are that you are a business owner who is running a business and is also operating as their business’s marketing director, content creator, and social media manager. This is your hall pass/permission slip to post in the hallways of social media, whatever feels good to you whenever you have the time to schedule and post to social media. 

I want you to know that your priority is to keep your business running. The secondary is to keep people in the know about your business. The minimum posting suggestion of 3 times a week helps your account to stay top of mind for people IF social media is your one marketing avenue because, at the time of this writing, the Instagram algorithm can have a delay of up to 72 hours for people in your community that are not interacting with your content regularly. 

My other recommendation is to become best friends with your social media analytics and frequently check in to see what content people enjoy and interact with. When you get in your analytics and see what and where your community is hanging out on social media and measure if that is similar to where you like to hang out and what you enjoy posting, it becomes easier to identify how often and where to post your content—removing this pressure to be creating more and more fresh content constantly.  Recycling content is totally ok- hardly anyone is going to even know.

Running a business is tough; please come back to this post when you need a hall pass/permission slip to do your digital marketing YOUR way, not necessarily an “experts” way who has an entire social team behind them.  You are a small business doing what you can marketing wise is better than doing nothing at all. 

The Only Social Media Algorithm Hack You Need Is Consistency

I don't know about you, but there's nothing I love more than when random people pop up in my DM's to share with me all these social media “hacks” that are guaranteed to bring you so many followers, traffic, and how to keep the algorithm happy.

Y'all, I don't care about social media algorithms, and you shouldn't either. I feel like all of this hyper-focused energy on trying to keep the algorithm happy has made us lose our joy for why we joined Instagram or any other social media platform in the first place.

On your gravestone, it is not going to read, “ Here lies XX, they had 100K followers and a viral Reel in 2022.”

 The only “hack” that I have found that brings in more leads and has the potential to triple sales is

C O N S I S T E N C Y.

 I believe that whoever is meant to find your business will find your business. Trying to fight artificial intelligence is a losing battle.  It seems like, as a collective, we've lost sight of why we're on social media because hardly anyone is being social. 

 When you implement consistency, consistency builds trust. Trust builds a relationship. Relationships create money transactions. 

Consistently posting, Consistently engaging with comments, Consistently finding and engaging with new people, and building a connection is the basis of all business.

Legitimate connection is at the heart of all of this. Let's bring fun back to Instagram, create content that excites you, not something that some guru with a team tells you works for them. 

What works for one account probably won't work for another. 

A little progress each day adds up to big results.

2021 Holiday Marketing Starts Now, in September

I know your Pumpkin Spice is barely cooled to a drinkable temperature, but if you haven't begun planning your holiday digital marketing strategy, you are missing out on valuable brand awareness times.

Your holiday marketing doesn't start with your first social media post on Black Friday. You want to make sure that you are capturing and keeping your audience's attention throughout September and October. Kicking into your holiday sales phase without the proper build-up and preparation could leave you falling flat by December 1.

Here is what you should be concentrating on from now until Halloween:

Brand Building: Concentrate on activities that showcase your brand, products, and messaging.

Increase Reach: Increasing your reach will be vital in adding new potential customers to go from scroll pause to purchase.

Entertain for a Scroll Stop: If you want to integrate yourself with potential new holiday customers, you need to give bite-size entertainment to get them to stop their scroll, pay attention and remember your name. Entertaining content does this best. 

Social Channel Zhuzhing: If you want significant results from your accounts, you will need your accounts in their best condition. Concentrate on Zhuzhing things like irrelevant hashtags, poor engagement rates, and images that don’t perform.

Reels: The key for September and October is to build brand awareness, and nothing builds this faster than reels. Make it a goal to post at least one reel a week from now until Halloween. 

Pins: If you are selling products to a female demographic it’s time to resuscitate your neglected Pinterest account by checking for dead links, and creating fresh pins.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of this, let me help you. Snag the Kickass Holiday Social Media Marketing Guide bundle or send me an email and let's get your business on track to Kickass this holiday marketing season.